Minecraft version: 1.17.1 Suggested name: Refinery What I want: basically just a cool looking furnace that i can add custom recipes to, and i can place it down at like a spawn area and players can interact with it and smelt things Other things: per player support, as in its not one furnace that people can take others stuff, every time a player uses it it uses their own gui, if you need to know what im talking about its just a smaller version of The Forge from hypixel Ideas for commands: /refinery give <player> give the player a placeable refinery Ideas for permissions: Refinery.admin for admins to use /refinery give| Refinery.use for normal players to use the refinery
You say something like The Forge from hypixel, but the forge from hypixel uses npcs if I'm not wrong. Do you want something like a multiblock? Also, do you want the ability to make recipes for custom items (example like a sword with custom attack damage) or just custom recipes
I mean the gui, you can interact with the multiblock by clicking the furnace, and just the ability to make custom recipes, preferably a drag and drop that can save NBT data
Not exactly sure what you mean - Are you simply talking about custom furnace recipes? If yes, you can check out this super amazing (and free) plugin on spigot, that let's you add custom recipes for just about anything in the game (Crafting, Smelting, Brewing etc.): https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...ed-custom-recipe-plugin-1-16-1-19-free.55883/ For a feature that only 1 player can use a block like a furnace, you can use this plugin, that lets you right-click a block with a sign to claim it and also add other people to that "block-claim": https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/blocklocker.3268/ Both of these plugins should be working for the latest version respectively. If that's not what you're looking for, could you please specify what exactly you mean be "refining"? Also, you cannot add resources like textures or sounds from a plugin directly - You would have to change an existing texture in minecraft (like the furnace) via a resourcepack, that you can then upload to the server for players to use when playing
I mean refining as in you put in a resource, let’s say 32 iron ore, you wait a while, like a configureable amount of time per custom recipe and then the result would be anything I choose
The plugin I sent you makes implementing that very simple with an easy to use GUI. You should defintely be able to do something like this using it