redstone codeing

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Shurfire, Jun 15, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    hello, im trying to find out how to code something with redstone like for example
    i have a door. what should the code be so when i put redstone linking to a lever button or preshure pad be. i have no clue how to start or do this :( so like i want redstone to link to a preshure pad cause im trying to do this plugin but im stumped on how to do this :( help :)
  2. Offline


    i'm kinda not understanding what you are trying to do since this is how it works in vanilla minecraft? Do you think you could elaborate further on what you are trying to do?
  3. Offline


    I think he wants wireless redstone from lever/pressure pad to door.
    As far as I can tell only way is to record their (lever + door) positions into a file, and whenever a lever is flipped check if it is the recorded one. Then change the corresponding door's state to open/closed if it was that lever.
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