Can a developer, please create a plugin that makes it so data ID 73, or Redstone does not drop out of a players inventory, but can still be placed, and picked up. I run a creative roleplay server that use Precious stones, so this would be like god send because players keep killing newbies.
He wants a plugin that disables the drop of Redstone (Item Code 73) out of the players inventory, but can still be placed and picked up.
Both please Any Progress? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
To any dev who wants to pick this up, here's a almost finished source: As you see it's ready to add a config file. @XepherLink: Sorry, but I won't accept any more requests from you.
anyone? I WILL PAY 5$ FOR THIS D: EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
the plugin is already done by V10lator you want to pay 5 for compiling it? sure, here we go drop me a pm
v10 made it so the block just dissapears and doesnt reappear in the players inventory on death, it defeats the purpose of players needing to keep their anti grief block, and once its placed its placed and wont reappear again
anyone, it just makes it so players can't drop their redstone block and it returns back to their inventory
He just wan to have a plugin that makes redstone not dropable after death... Simple as hell!!! (The concept, not sure about the coding)... Ill take a look at this! There you go. Please be more friendly the next time you request something and format your request properly. Thank you. I didnt test it, but it should work, if it causes any problems, post them please and I will fix them.