
Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by mindless728, Feb 22, 2011.

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    ok, i still have a lot of testing to do to see where i can improve performance on, the thing that kills the performance is the BlockStorage when you have to cache information to disk, however it is necessary as the fluid levels can't all be stored in memory
  2. Offline


    For some reason mine didntwork, i installed the block storage and what not. all that happened was that the water just stayed there and did nothing... help! if you really need me to i can make a video
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  4. Offline


    ok i fixed it! now why dont bukkits work?
  5. Offline


    Mindless is currently working on that (or schoolwork). It has been noted that there is difficulty in transferring water levels from block to bucket to block.
  6. Offline


    If you make it add the water to the current water that is there i will keep this. Example, i have a pool and there is water at the bottom i want to be able to have the water go down the slop and fill the pool up somemore. is this possible?
  7. Offline


    As I understand it, that's exactly what is coming. The hitch is, "how much water is in the bucket?"

    Example 1: you take water from the ocean (theoretically 1 full square meter of water) an move it to your hole. no problem

    ex 2: your hole from ex 1 is 1x2x1 in dimensions, so when you take water from it this time you have .5 square meters of water. ... uh oh, we have a problem, we haven't yet figured out how to have a 1/2 full bucket.

    ex2 is the state of things

    I apologize in advance (yet, oddly enough, post-script) for the use of whimsy. It is not intended to offend.

    edit: when I said 'we' i didn't mean to imply that I was helping out with the code... i've only looked at it and watched it fly over my head ;)
  8. Offline


    Ok, so i am taking a small break from programming due to the amount i did over the last quarter in school, and i am doing some intensive bug testing of RealFluids on my server

    interested in going on the server, here is the IP:

    though if keep in mind i am resetting the server every week or so
  9. Offline


    Sweet! Can't wait to help test!

    EDIT: Hmm, I just had a funky idea. Would it be possible to have the liquids have a percent chance to replace a block?

    For example, if lava hits a dirt block, it has a 50% chance of removing the block or not? I was thinking about massive amounts of water moving around that would at least "knock" out a few blocks.
  10. Offline


    i am thinking of recoding it from the ground up to look for local minimums to flow to which might help the amount of flow events
  11. Offline


    If RealFluids had rain, erosion and lava flow displacement I wouldn't care if buckets ever worked.
  12. Offline


    Haha yeah, that would be epic for sure!!
  13. Offline


    I see what you mean, yeah... how do you have a 1/2 full bucket? lol
  14. Offline



    Well i fixed it however it seems that no matter what when lava meets water its insta obsidian... thats very exploitable on my server can you somehow make it only convert to cobblestone till it settles?
  15. Offline


    i was thinking of making catching the process of making obsidian and if the lava fluid was too low it would create cobble instead
  16. Offline


    eh that would break my cobblestone factory T.T all the pistons got clogged with obsidian and as i use iconomy that would majorly screw up the balance of my server since i use obsidian for portals and a lot of rare recipes :p
  17. Offline


    yeah, anything that relies on the current behavior of fluids usually doesn't work
    smickles and rhx123 like this.
  18. Offline


    Can't wait to see this come all together! Good luck Mindless
  19. Offline


    yeah, i can't wait to see it too lol, though another note i have been toying with the idea of calculating local minimas to have fluid flow even better (less outward flow, more directional)
  20. Offline


    Hm, is this part of your rewritting of the code? Sounds like it keeps getting better and better :D Directional flow would make it feel a lot better too.

    Were you still tinkering with the idea of having other blocks flow like the liquids? I remember you (or somebody) was talking about it. In the end, it would be pretty funny to see and could even produce some interesting effects upon worlds haha
  21. Offline


    those two are tied together, i am doing a complete rewrite so that any block id can be used to flow with as well as making it a more directional flow which is a bit more realistic, im hoping that calculating the direction will ave on flow events which will cause less calculation time to be used
    smickles likes this.
  22. Offline


    Sounds great to me. Can't wait to see your work! Calculation of the direction of flow sounds like it would reduce the performance quite a lot... I never really thought about that actually. I'm really excited to see it!
  23. Offline


    Hi, my server use bukkit, and i recently saw an awsome mod changing the way liquids are flowing "finite liquide" but hell its on ModLoader !!!
    Then i saw your topic with "real liquid" on bukkit. You started recently but its look like you did awsome job with this plug in. What do you think about "finite liquid" on ModLoader, do you think you can find some solution in it for you mod ?

    here's some video of it (look at video 2 and 3 if you want to see more flowing stuff):

    official topic :

    What I think you could use from this mod :

    - *8 waterlevels*. I dont know if its possible to replicate this on bukkit, but being able to have lower water level then the "classic" one look to help a lot with the flow of the liquid. and look so much more real. I think the mod work like this, if block A have a high of 3/8 and the block B got a high of 1/8 then one level gonna "flow" from A to B so that both got high of 2/8 block. And i supose this is working the same with altitude if a water massa is higher then an other massa it will flow until both have same altitude or until one get lvl of 0/8. So if you got a reserve water at y=64 and an empty reserve at y=40, the water is going to go to y=63 until level reach the same high, then 62, until water level reach the same high, then 61, etc ... so until he reach 40 and he is stop cause every block around are on y=42 : water cant flow cause its surronded by a wall of 2 block high. The speed of the flowing should be fast so that we cant notice each step, we only see a move of water massa.

    - *Water cannot be replace by blocks*, at begin its scaring, no way to stop your mine to fil with water but it is so much more real. It would be like a torch, you cannot place a block on it but if sand fall on, the torch disepear and the sand take the spot.

    - *2 type of water, as you can see on this video*(v2 but hope they didnt change it in v3) :
    There are different types of water, the infinite one for ocean that work diferently then the finite one. As i could understood, the level of water from an infinite block dont have to be calculate it just produce water next that become an infinite block of water too. This avoid the cpu to have to calculate huge water massa when you try to "drain" an ocean and prevent some lag. But I dont know how this mod know when he have to place infinite water or finite water (maybe altitude ?), maybe you'll understand it better then I do.

    Hope it will help you to devellop your pluging. My English is not perfect, I hope you'll understand what i tried to say.
  24. Offline


    if you guys are wondering about why there isn't an update, i an re-coding this from the ground up (again) to make it easier to make new fluids and to add in multi-threaded support

    as for finite water and the height changing, the (stock) client does not like when there is a bunch of fluids at a partial height and will make them disappear on the client side but still be there server side
    Walliance likes this.
  25. Offline


    Sweet! I hope all goes well! This is still one of the only plugins I'm actively keeping up-to-date on haha ^_^
  26. Offline


    Have to admit, this has a lot of promise. Played around with it a bit, and works pretty well, even at demo stage. :)
  27. Offline


    Yeah! I hope mindless gives us some news soon though!
  28. Offline


    i have been playing with some optimization on the old engine while also writing the new one at the same time, hoping to get each type of fluid in its own compute thread so adding another fluid just needs an additional core, not to mention the current implementation has water and lava sharing half of the server time (i leave the other half by default to other plugins and the server itself)

    going is slow, life keeps getting in the way one way or another
  29. Offline


    Haha well thanks for the quick reply! Nice to know you're still working on the plugin though. Hope everything works out okay for you
  30. Offline


    Know the feeling. :)
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