RBuy(Rank Buy (Using Signs))

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by kentlivar, Jan 5, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Usefull

    Minecraft version: 1.11.2

    Suggested name: RBUY

    What I want: Basicly a sellable rank supported by pex, and maybe later some other ranking plugins, idea for config
    #You use [RBuy] and it will show as [RBuy]
    Prefix: RBuy
    #PermissionsEx is on default.
    RankPlugin: PermissionsEX
    Line 1 [RBuy]
    Line 2 Rank
    Line 3 Price Auto Fill if rank price set
    Ideas for commands: /rb reload, /rb add [rank] /rb setprice [rank] [price]

    Ideas for permissions: rb.buy (allows you to buy a rank from signs) rb.use (allows you to do /rb and see the info example author of the plugin (the one that makes it can choose to add this)) rb.use.create (allows you to create a sign), rb.add(allows you to add a rank) rb.setprice (allows you to set price on rank (owner, admin is disabled on default)), rb.reload(allows you to reload the plugin)

    When I'd like it by: as soon as possible
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
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    I could try to make this, but I can't promise anything.

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    @KingOfTheEast01 i mean it like a try is all i need man.
    hope you manage to make it tho :)
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    Well I will try my best for you.

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    Will do mate.

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    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
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    Are you kidding me? I just spent an entire week working on this plugin. I had no idea you decided to do it, and you basically made me waste my time. The next time you do something like this, please tahg anyone else who already said they would make it. I may not have this thread being watched. Thanks for that.

    Anyways, here's the plugin I made:
    It's a lot closer to the guidelines you asked for. If you need any updates, just ask me, and I will get right on it. This is the first plugin I've made public, so I will definitely be working on it, if you need it. Thanks mate! :D

    Have a great day! XD <3
    Java and HTML Dev
  11. Offline


    No need to get so worked up about it, you did say you couldn't promise anything. The OP wanted this ASAP, either way at least he has a choice of which suits his needs the most.
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    I completely understand. I'm just frustrated, because lately, I've been working so hard on learning Java code, Bukkit, etc.. Making this plugin was not only very educational for me, but it was also very, very difficult to figure out. I worked long and hard on this plugin. When I figured out you had already made it, I became frustrated. I know he asked for the plugin to be made as soon as possible, and I am completely fine with you making this plugin for him. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with, however, is no one cared to notify me about this. I could have saved a lot of time if I knew I didn't have to waste all the time I was home, working on a plugin, for no point. That is what is infuriating about this situation.

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    Fair enough mate, I edited out my post so they can't download it. It's all good, it's not that big of a deal for me.

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    No bro, don't do that! If anything I want him to have the better of the plugins (because trust me, mine is not the better of the two XD ). I just wanted to explain my frustrations and what had gotten me so worked up about this. The first comment I made replying to you was just me asking you to remember to tahg someone who had done what I had next time, because sometimes some people aren't watching threads they've posted in before, or their notifications or previous threads get lost in the interest of others. I was just asking you to save some other people some time in the case this happens again. XD Thanks mate and please put your plugin back for me.

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    Henzz likes this.
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    Nah seriously it's all good man! :) No stress about it, you put your time and effort into it, I'll have OP know mine wasn't that good anyway :p
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    I really appreciate it, but I insist. He can choose and besides, I uploaded it to the Bukkit Development, so it should do someone some good!

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