Rarity Crops

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MrBobblyBooks, Jun 21, 2024.

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    Plugin category: Farming

    Minecraft version: 1.18 (.2)

    Suggested name: CropRarity

    What I want:
    I am currently creating a skyblock server, which I am trying to put a heavy emphasis on farming, pvp, and things that are not just mining and using spawners. Because of this, I think it would be really cool to have crops with different rarities, although I am not quite sure if that is possible for a plugin. My idea is essentially to have farming work similar to how the the farming works in Stardew valley. For example, when you break wheat, you have a 90% chance to get wheat, a 9% chance to get silver wheat, and a 1% chance to get gold wheat. I use shopgui+, and I hope that I will be able to have different sell prices for different rarities of wheat. (although I would like this feature used across all crops, not just wheat).

    The different rarity crops dont have to have different display items, but they will need to not stack with each other (as in silver crops cannot stack on gold crops or regular crops), and I would like them to have a configurable display name in game, with a configurable lore, customizable in a config.yml.

    I also hope to use these "gold crops" for custom crafting recipes, although I am not sure what specifically for yet, but having that capability would also be very cool :)

    Ideas for commands:
    /crop give {player} {crop} {rarity} {amount}

    Ideas for permissions:
    croprarity.crops - (gives permission for players to actually start receiving rarity crops when they break crops. without this permission, they should just farm basic minecraft crops)
    Admin Permissions:
    croprarity.give - (gives permission for players to use the /crop give command)

    When I'd like it by: There is no rush on this project. Anytime within the next month is ideal though :)
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    Still need this?
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