Random MOTD color not working

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by monkeymanboy, Sep 7, 2013.

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    im trying to make the motd be color changing here is the code im using
        int i = 1;
        public void onServerListPing(ServerListPingEvent event){
        String color = "" + i;
        if(i < 10){
        event.setMotd("§" + color + "Test");
        i = i+1;
        } else {
        i = 1;
    it just says whatever motd is in the properties
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    Deleted user

    You probably want to make a config file
    There they can set the motds they want to alternate

    Then take that list and assign number calues to them
    Then create a random and have the max be the last number value (add one if not arraylist)

    Then set the motd to one of the conig values every time
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    this is for personal use and i will have a config though this is just a test
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    Use this method somewhere in your class:
        public static int getRandomNumberInRange(int Max, int Min) {
            return Min + (int)(Math.random() * ((Max - Min) + 1));
    Then do this:

        public void onServerListPing(ServerListPingEvent event){
        event.setMotd("§" + getRandomNumberInRange(10, 1) + "Test");
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    BajanAmerican likes this.
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