ram usage control

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jithins, Nov 9, 2012.

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    hi.... my server is 8 slots and has 62 plugin and running on 1 gb or ram. without any changes my server usually runs around 512 mb for an hr so i restart every 2 hours. but now soon as i start the server the ram usage is already 1 gb within 1 second. i havent made any changes but the server doesnt lag even if it is using all 1 gb of ram. im using mcmyadmin
    can someone help me decrease it plz
  2. Offline


    I'm not surprised it lags, 62 plugins is quite a bit. Try removing some plugins that aren't essential, see how it it goes.
  3. Offline


    He's actually saying it doesn't lag. You can try using some java options, perhaps. Try looking them up on google.
  4. Offline


    its been doing fine for the last 2 years with more than 60 plugin but now something is wrong

    i just need to know how to decrease it

    wht do u mean option?

    it actually doesnt lag its just bothering me cause of how high it is

    by anyy chance do u guys know how to put more ram on a 32 bit computer ?
  5. Offline


    Moved to Bukkit Help.

    You are limited to 1.5GB RAM in a 32 bit machine.
  6. Offline


    um i tried 1536mb its too much ...
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