Quiz Game for Students

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Chicks797, Jul 10, 2014.

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    Man, kids are so lucky nowadays. When I was in a computer class, the only creative thing I was allowed to do was make an word document with pictures, now kids can freely be creative with Minecraft.
    Anyway, brilliant plugin idea to allow kids to engage in learning in a fun way.
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    Chicks797 Plugin completed! Link to BukkitDev page: click. And since it's not yet approved, here is link to file: click. Everything you want to know is explained in config (except commands and permissions, these are explained on project page). Your questions, answers and rewards, all formatted for this plugin: click. Feel free to contact me if there are any bugs, or you would like any features added. However, I won't be able to do anything related to this project from 4.8. 10:00 CET to 10.8. ~15:00 CET and from 17.8. ~15:00 CET to 23.8. ~19:00 CET, as I will not have access to Internet.
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    daavko I'm going to play around with it on the test server that we have up and I'm sure it will work great! (And I'll bug you if there's an issue and apologize for doing so.)
    My husband and I are writing a huge thank you to the whole Bukkit community (and to you). This weekend National Public Radio did a story on our server nationally here.
    It's very overwhelming to see how much the project has grown, but we think the community here at Bukkit deserves a ton of credit so we want to detail the progression so far. Thank you!

    daavko Would you mind giving me an example of the formatting for an item with lore? Like, an iron sword, with an enchantment, with lore? I just want to make sure I'm doing it right so I don't crash anything.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    I played with the formatting more. I can't seem to figure out 1) how to add two enchantments 2) when naming and with lore, it won't accept spaces, so it cuts it off. I tried using " and ' but it didn't seem to make a difference.

    One thing I noticed was that when someone gets a prize, it outputs a line naming the item before the actual announcement (we did a screenshot, that probably doesn't make sense)

    One other question. The server is set to restart each morning if nobody is on. Does the game have to be started manually, or will it automatically kick in on a server reload?
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    Chicks797 I think he said he's going to be offline for a couple weeks or something. The material name being printed looks like something he put in to debug, but forgot to take out. Unfortunately, any issues you find with his plugin you'll have to wait for him to fix because he released it as a closed source project, with all rights reserved to himself.
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    Skye Not a big deal at all. (Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that happened with the first version of the plugin). I think the way he did the lore/name/etc is probably great, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to word it.
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    Chicks797 Sorry for the late reply, I was off for a week. So, here are your answers:
    Examples of item formatting can be found here. (Forgot to make that page on plugin release, sorry for that)

    1. Again, formatting - here.
    2. Formatting again, here.
    3. That line with item name, that's a debug i really forgot to take out. It won't exist in next version.
    4. No, the quiz doesn't start automatically, but I can do that too! Will be in next version.
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    Marten Mooij

    daavko Good job on this plugin request :)
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    daavko Awesome Work! :)

    Chicks797 Please, if you can, keep us updated on how this works out. I'd love to see how this plugin works in the class and where this goes in the future.
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    Marten Mooij

    daavko I'll just leave this here for you: [​IMG]
    EDIT1: Made the logo lighting better.
    Huntfishplay and daavko like this.
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    Marten Mooij WOW thanks a lot! Definitely going to use that one. Credits go to you!
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    daavko Thank you, I'm going to work on more questions and formatting over the next few days. Kids start back this week so it's kind of hectic but I will keep everyone updated!
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    Anything else needed to be done here? I'm an experienced Bukkit Developer, just looking for something to do. I'd love to help here, sounds like a great idea for a plugin, and I understand one is already complete, but I'd like to undergo the challenge and make it even better! Happy to help - Bob.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Requester hasn't been online for 1.5 month.
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    That's not to say they won't be forever.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It indeed doesn't, but from experience with this stuff: doubt it that they will get back on you.
    Huntfishplay likes this.
  20. timtower *to you.

    Had to do it, any chance to correct Tim has to be taken.
    Huntfishplay, blobic123 and timtower like this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Was already thinking about that one to be honest :p
    Huntfishplay likes this.
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    Mathias Eklund - You still about? I doubt anyone's still here... But read my previous few posts if you are. This will be my last attempt to make contact with anyone on this thread, as it seems to have been abandoned or completed.
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    Mathias Eklund

    oasis9 I have no idea if the project got finished or not, I am not currently following this topic.
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    I'm sorry for not responding sooner! My husband has been the one on mainly, so I didn't see a notice. Since the update, it's been working trying to figure out what to do. It's kind of hard to have kids run different versions, so trying to get everything lined out.
    I really appreciate the offer. The main thing we need is to have it automatically start when the server resets. It wasn't bad during the summer, we could do it manually. But now that school has started back in it's an issue. The public library is using it and sometimes we don't get home from school until late. The server resets and the quiz isn't running. Would that be a hard thing to add? I know it was a planned feature.
    oasis9 likes this.
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    Chicks797 I don't quite understand, do you want the server to restart when the kids are off, say 30 mins after all activity has ceased?
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    Sorry if I wasn't explaining it right. The server is hosted and I have it set to restart every morning very early. The issue is you have to run the command 'quiz start' to get the quiz up and running. So each day when the server restarts, the quiz isn't active unless I am able to get on and run the command. I'd just like it to start automatically. On server load.
    oasis9 likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Chicks797 Signature link, CommandOnStart
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    Thanks. It doesn't seem to make a config file though. Any suggestions?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Yes, post your server log.
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    Chicks797 Awesome Idea! Pay I Please Join Your Server?

    Mathias Eklund Where Can I Get This Plug-In? I Have A Server Called KidzZone To Keep Kidz Off Adult Servers...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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