Quiz Game for Students

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Chicks797, Jul 10, 2014.

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    Mathias Eklund Another formatting question. I noticed plain numeric answers had ' around them (like '2'). So if I did a fractional answer like 1/2, would I need to enclose it? Or is that just for all numbers?
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    Chicks797 ' ' tells YML the value is a string, so when in doubt, ' ', so you won't get casting errors later.
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    Mathias Eklund

    Chicks797 might be some mistakes in the code. If any errors show up, be sure to tell me.
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    Mathias Eklund Slight hiccup! It always clears the configure file. Restarting the server, reloading, basically anything and it constantly set is back to the original. Luckily I had my questions in a separate place! (I hope there's not an upper limit to how much you can have. Between the questions and rewards I'm up to 1352 lines)
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    Chicks797 There is an upper limit, however I think you can't ever reach it. Reward list, answer list and total number of questions are each limitted to 2,147,483,639 entries. Other things are not limitted.

    Mathias Eklund I believe you will fix that config-clearing bug soon. In case you don't know, these two lines are overriding config every single time your plugin gets enabled:
    1. this.config.save(this.configurationConfig);
    2. this.pconfig.save(this.playerConfig);

    EDIT: I would change that two lines to this:
    1. if (!this.configurationConfig.exists()) {
    2. this.config.save(this.configurationConfig);
    3. }
    4. if (!this.playerConfig.exists()) {
    5. this.pconfig.save(this.playerConfig);
    6. }

    Note: If you want to solve it any other way, do so. This piece of code is just a little suggestion from me.
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    Mathias Eklund

    daavko I've tested it. and it does save for me. It never overrides for me. But I'll change it anyways :)
    can't make it as you want it, as the code I have there originally is working as it should and is only used when I change something in the configs with a command or within the plugin somehow.

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    This should fix the config error. I hope. Can't know for sure as it has always been fine for me. But if what I think is happening is happening then it should fix it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2016
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    Mathias Eklund Totally my fault. I did some testing and figured out I was doing something wrong. My questions started with color codes and I didn't put them in ' '. So sorry.
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    Mathias Eklund

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    Mathias Eklund I'm probably driving you nuts, but I promise I'm trying to troubleshoot on my own. I have a long list of rewards and figured out it was giving me an error. I went through, checked all the names, started taking parts out trying to whittle it down to the bad line. It turns out it wasn't the way I typed it, it just won't let you have more than 2 rewards. If you have 3 lines, it won't give the message about getting the reward and the console says 'Could not pass even PlayerChatEvent to Quiz 1.0'

    On a very small side note (because at this point I'm really hating to ask for anything), did you look into the possiblity of removing the decimal from the money rewards? Like, $1 shows as $1.0. Sorry to be a pest!
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    Mathias Eklund

    Chicks797 sure. I can make the money an Integer. And I'll look into the reward problem as well.
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    Mathias Eklund Thank you. If it would help for me to paste the configure file I made let me know. I tested quite a bit with more than 3 rewards and it always ends up giving that error.
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    Mathias Eklund I just wanted to check how things were going. If any of it is too complicated to implement, just let me know and we can scale it back somehow.
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    Mathias Eklund

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower ZodiacTheories
    Okay, I got the more than 3 items fixed (I think), it was an error I made in the configure file.

    I'll go ahead and post the full configure file if it helps for testing: http://pastebin.com/wCeieCxZ

    I'd also like to remove the decimal from the money rewards. If a reward of $1 shows as $1.0. It might look a little odd to students, since it's not the correct way to show dollar amounts.

    Anyone who thinks they could finish it, it would be greatly appreciated. We've been doing quizzes by hand and the students really seem to enjoy it.

    One side question (and this isn't something anyone needs to add, we've asked for enough). With the syntax of the rewards: - money:1 item:STONE_SWORD,1,DAMAGE_ALL,1 is it possible for me to add lore? Again, not something I'm needing added, I just didn't know if there was a way it would already work if I formatted it correctly.
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    I've been watching this thread because I like what you're trying to do with Minecraft. :) I wanted to jump in when I first saw it, so I guess now there's a chance to do so. ;) I'd have to rewrite this, but I could get it done quickly, unless ZodiacTheories wants the honor.
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    Skye Chicks797

    Go ahead and help me skye, it is open source, I assume you know how to use git, just go ahead and clone the repo


    The money issue will be sorted out soon :)


    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    All I had to do was change 3 words :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2016
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    daavko Sorry about that. (This is the husband/teacher). The actual server for the kids is running Bukkit 1.7.9-R0.2

    Here's the error code using Bukkit 1.7.9 - http://pastebin.com/B85K7z8p

    Also, thank you all for helping her with this. I've requested plugins in the past and every has been very supportive. This was her idea, so I suggested she run with it. When we first started asking for help it was just our two classrooms using it. The the other grades in our school. Then 10 other schools. And now the public library. So we're very glad it's benefiting the kids and appreciate all the support.
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    ZodiacTheories No, that was using the old one. But I replaced it with yours and it doesn't load the quiz.jar and doesn't recreate a quiz folder.
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    Reload the server and post the error please ;)
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    ZodiacTheories I restarted (I even downloaded the plugin again) and still not luck. Quiz never shows up when the server is launching, so no error code.
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    To be honest, I can't really work with what's there for design reasons and the intent to write a full-featured plugin virtually overnight, so I'll step aside as a last resort option. ;)
    ZodiacTheories likes this.
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    ZodiacTheories It doesn't give an error code, other than if I try to do /quiz start it says unknown command. But I copied the entire startup from the console and searched for the word 'quiz' and it's like the plugin isn't getting loaded. But the jar is sitting in my plugin folders. Also, it never creates a folder for itself.
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    Can you post the bit where it says it can't load please.
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    lucasbuck Post your entire startup log, that may help.
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