PVP Toggle (called PVPToggle)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mfo, May 24, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I'm conflicted -- my server members are arguing about whether to turn PVP on or off. If I turn it on, there will be harassing, if I turn it off, people will complain. I really don't want to do controlled PVP areas, etc. which is why I'm here requesting a plugin.

    This plugin will basically be kind of like Terraria's PVP thing. You can toggle PVP on or off and you can fight with other people who have PVP on. Plus you can kill each other without harassing people with PVP toggled off.

    Basically, Person with PVP on cannot hurt people with PVP off, but can hurt other people with PVP on.

    Commands: /pvptoggle (Turn on/off)

    children: /pvptoggle

    Messages are configurable, but these are default:
    &cYou have turned on PVP.
    &aYou have turned off PVP.
    &a/player/ just turned on PVP.
    &c/player/ just turned off PVP.
    &4You cannot hurt /player/, because he/she has PVP off.

    Btw, I also realize that there are already plugins like this, but I want this plugin to be extremely simple with only one commands, which is to toggle. I want the players to be able to fight anywhere.
  2. Offline


    Spaming Bumps will not get you a dev faster. It's really annoying to see people doing this -.-° I reported you, to get rid of them "Bump" posts.



  3. Offline


    BukkitDev link added. Also added some new features. Maybe you are interested in too.

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