PvP Permission

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by GamingSkell, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hello after searching a while for a Plugin that does what im looking for i gave up searching.

    Actually my Idea is to make a PvP Plugin and bind it to Permission.
    Once i gave Members the Permission its not possible anymore to hit other Members. There still able to hit VIP´s or any other Groups.

    The reason why im looking for a Plugin like that and not one with Groups is because there will be a lot of player in one Group and it would be complicated to invite them all.
    The other reason is there should be like 4-5 Groups only.

    hope someone can help, thanks.
  2. i will make it if i have time so basically what you want is that if someone has for example the permissions pvp.member he can't hit any one whit the same permissions am i right? and can you please say what the permissions need to be?

    and do you want it that ops can hit everyone?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  3. Offline


    Yes, your right.
    And yes pvp.group looks fine.
    Op´s should hit everyone! :) that would be greate
  4. Offline


    i need 2 Groups
    1 should be like
    and one

    1 more thing you could do is i will have 6 groups
    like that:

    and make the pvp can be toggled by pvp.admin
    so that the admin can typ /pvp human elv to make pvp be able between groups of the good side too
  5. that are 8 groups

    i don't know if i would be able to do the last part

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  6. Offline


    8 groups if you can make the toggle thingie but you dont have to :)
    im happy with just the 2 groups
  7. i will try the toggle thing

    and which groups are the good one's


    i can't test it but her a download link so you can test it
    the permissions are pvpPerms.toggle to toggle frienlyfire it takes one argumnet good or bad it makes it so people with permission pvp.group can fight other groups of the same side
    the other permissions are done with the config file you can set them as whatever you want
    the command for toggle is /pvptoggle

    GamingSkell https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31171487/PvPPerms.jar

    <merged by Iroh>
  8. Offline


    Sounds good so far ill test it out and let you know !
  9. and does it work?


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  10. Offline


    Seems to doesnt work right now
    2 Bloodelves can hit each other with the permission
  11. Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  12. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    superjesse07 Try using the edit button instead of double posting.
  13. Offline


    works finally, big thanks!
  14. GamingSkell
    Np can i get the ip of you're server It sound great with the two sides
  15. Offline


    its not up yet, just on Hamachi.Were in the building phase.
    i think it could take a while as long as we build the map and test the things out we put inside already.
    Soon ill open a Server Theard and show how the work is going on and stuff!
    I can PM you the link to the theard so you can stay tuned and see when we turn on the Server :)

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