Hi all, i need the following plugin (i think more ppl would like it) As the title says, i need a plugin that logs PVP damage. Preferably in a mysql table. This is what I suggest (it can be different if you like, any input is appreciated): When player x attacks player y, the following data will be put in the mysql database date time location dealt damage name attacker name attackee If the player gets killed there might be a field for fatal thats true or false. But i dont know if thats important to log or not. It might also be great to have a nice web interface to query for pvp attacks, where you can optionally search on attackers name, attackees name, date & time. Most important thing is the plugin itself, web interface can be created by me, or by someone willing to spend some time on this.
Ok, im also not really good, but how you feel about making a project for this? Maybe there are more people willing to help. Its not that I cant do anything with java and/or mysql and/or php, just not that good. So how you feel about it?