Plugin category: Anti-Grief Tools Suggested name: PVP Target List Plugin Description: When a player adds you to their "Target List" it notifies the player with something like "Player1 has added you to their target list! Be cautious or get to a town/safe zone!". 1 minute after the player adds you to his Target List, he is able to attack you. I would like for them to not be able to damage you unless they have added you to their target list. Please let me know how you think this can be done, feel free to post. Ideas for commands: !target add (name) !target remove (name) !target list Ideas for permissions: targetlist.add targetlist.remove targetlist.list
So just so im clear you want to disable PVP for all players unless the player they are trying to PVP are in their target list? Lets say player PEANUT wants to attack player BUTTER but PEANUT does not have BUTTER in his target list so is not allowed to attack. Do you want to remove the player from target list after PEANUT has killed BUTTER
Correct... I use worldguard to make zones where players damaging each other is disabled. However apart from those zones, the rest of the world is default pvp enabled In the case of peanut and butter, yes Peanut is not targeting Butter so he cannot attack him. Yes they can be removed on death or it can be timed out
Please let me know if there are some impossibilities with this request. I would want it to work with Bukkit and not some client side mod
I am wondering if anyone has decided to take this on - so I may offer as much assistance as possible. Thanks
izarooni Typed exclamation points on accident! Priority: whichever is easier Preference: exclamation points
Any luck guys? let me know if u guys need anything to make the task easier so I can see what I can do
Xodz Are the names added to the player's list saved to a file or something or are you okay with it being cleared through restarts/reloads?
I can do this. Cleared through restarts? Or a config? Should a player only be removed from another player's target list when the target is killed? Or after a timeout? And this should only happen in certain regions? Can a player be in multiple target lists? Xodz
I appreciate all of the interest, I will wait for izarooni to finish this. If he is unable to complete I will let one of you know. If one of you finish this, feel free to post your result here for us to check out! Thanks! Change/addition: If it could say "User1 is thinking about killing you..." that would be cool! kps1796 - Cleared through restarts or on command preferably. (no need to hold targets over through next restart) - Player removed from target list after death or timeout (30 mins? idk) - it should happen in the main world - A player should be able to add multiple people to target list and be on multiple target lists
I have been a bit busy this week, but im hoping to get some time later this week, and i will be doing this plugin for Xodz
Xodz Sorry, been really busy this week, but i will start on this today, and hopefully have it for you tonight sometime.
Xodz Just wanted to give you an update... Didn't have alot of time today, but i've got the plugin started with commands done, all i need to do is the timeouts and removing when the player dies etc. just wanted to let you know i didnt forget.
ImDeJay Awesome, Can it alert the person added to PlayerX's target list with "PlayerX is thinking about killing you..." , then proceed to allow PlayerX to damage by that person after 60 seconds I think that sounds cool xD!! thanks again!
Yes, this is the way it works. I have the plugin done, i need to actually test it first before i upload it, but it should be uploaded and sent to you tomorrow.
Xodz Here ya go. Everything should work like you wanted, if it doesnt or if something doesnt work right let me know and ill get it fixed. Commands: /addtarget - Adds a target to your list /removetarget - Removes a target from your list. /listtargets - Show all your current targets. Player has 1 minute to hide before the other player is allowed to attack. The player gets a warning which is configurable in the config. No permissions, didnt see a point in it.
Hey @ ImDeJay Thanks again for the plugin, it works great!! Just wondering if I could request a couple changes from it's use i've noticed these are pretty necessary! 1. When someone adds you to their target list they should be auto-added to yours! (so you can retaliate) 2. (less necessary/required) A timer that removes the person from your list in 30 minutes Thanks again ImDeJay,