Purging old users from Essentials/Permissions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ttocskcaj, Aug 28, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Our server has about 400 userdata files for essentials, and each user also has a group declaration thing in the permissions file.
    The thing is that only about 50 of these players actually play. (Lots of players play for a day or so and then get bored etc)
    Is there an easy way to get rid of the old/unused data? Has anyone written a python script or something?
  2. Offline


    I don't know how you would plan on writing a program that will remove old users from the permissions file, but sorting the folder of essentials player data by date should show you who has played recently and who hasn't. From there, you can easily remove everyone who hasn't been on for a while.
  3. Offline


    sorry for digging out this thread, but does someone know how i can remove the userdata from essentials from users which are offline for example since 60 days? i have over 5500 userdatas.....
    to sort the files by date is useless because then my computer starts to lagg...tooo much files to handle

    someone know a way to do this?
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