Filled Punishment GUI [ASAP]

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by OfficerDeveloper, Jul 6, 2015.

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    @Chiller, I'm not exactly sure if the cooldowns are going to work. What if the server shuts down?
  2. Offline


    @Tecno_Wizard The cooldowns as in the runnables that trigger at the expiration?
    Whenever the server starts, a runnable is created for the temp mute or ban and triggers at their expiration.
    That way if the user is logged on they get a message when their temp punishment is up.
  3. Offline


    @Chiller, k. Yes, having severe issues merging. Is there a function to pull and replace instead of merge?
  4. Offline


    @Tecno_Wizard Idk, I am not the best with git, you could just download the source as a zip and just inject it into your project, if you want to do it the sloppy way...

    @OfficerDeveloper Ya give me a minute to conjure up the list
  5. Offline


    @Chiller, that would work, but IntelliJ is confused because it does not identify the module as a maven project. I'll disable my repo and checkout yours. It seems to be the only option.
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    The jar is in my first reply here Page 3, the github link

    • Ability to customize messages in the config
    • Enchantment effect for active punishments
    • Enchantment effect in history gui
    • Ability to disable punishment in history
    • "Removed by" lore to history element
    • Back button in history menu
    • Message formats, mostly all uniform now
    • Removed debug output
    • Made date format readable
  7. @Chiller Wow thank you so much!

    So when a user logs in while banned does it say the reason and WHO banned them? Same with muting

    Also what are the variables for config message editting? And is the & color code supported or do I have to use ยง
  8. Offline


    @OfficerDeveloper When you install the plugin, you'll see in the config the format for the messages, yes & is supported.
    %reason% is the reason, %date% is the date it expires, %message_prefix% and %message_suffix% are the prefixes and suffixes.

    I did not include who banned them since I was going off what @Tecno_Wizard was doing. But I can add it in a minute or so.
  9. @Chiller When someone talks while muted, I want it to be in the same format as I put the messages in PunishDealer class (before you editted it)

    What would message prefix/suffix be? Is there like a Prefix: and Suffix: option in config?
  10. Offline


    @Chiller, I checked out and got Intellij happy. I'll be up and helping tomorrow morning (didn't have the message formatted because I hadn't gotten there.)
  11. Offline



    What would message prefix/suffix be? Is there like a Prefix: and Suffix: option in config?: Ya you will see it in the config.

    Just added support for %punisher%, will release that new version in a lil bit.
  12. @Chiller Ok so can I see an example config?
  13. Offline


    @Chiller, know of any good maven tutorials? I've never used it.
  14. Offline



    # Time increments are in seconds
    message_prefix: '&c&lPUNISH&r'
    message_suffix: '&aUnfairly punished? Contact us on the forums!'
      warn: '%message_prefix% &4You have been warned &6(%reason%) &4by &6%punisher%'
      unmute: '%message_prefix% &aYou are no longer muted.'
      perm_ban: '%message_prefix% &4You have been permanantly banned &6(%reason%) &4by
      perm_mute: '%message_prefix% &4You have been permanantly muted &6(%reason%) &4by
      temp_ban: '%message_prefix% &4You have been temporarily banned &6(%reason%) &4by
      temp_mute: '%message_prefix% &4You have been temporarily muted &6(%reason%) &4by
      login_perm_ban: You have been permanently banned &6(%reason%)#n%message_suffix%
      login_temp_ban: You have been banned until &b%date% &6(%reason%)#n%message_suffix%
      perm_muted: '%message_prefix% &4You are permanently muted.'
      temp_muted: '%message_prefix% &4You are muted until &b%date%'
      ban_increment: 60
      mute_increment: 30
  15. Offline


    @Tecno_Wizard Um not off the top of my head, you could probably just google maven intellij tutorial or maven tutorial.

    @OfficerDeveloper The root src directory is old, that is his old version, go here
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    @OfficerDeveloper Haha thanks, try to test everything out as much you can and report any bugs back to me ASAP so I can fix them ASAP.
  18. @Chiller Testing them now, it's hard doing it by yourself and having to go into the files to unban yourself xF
  19. Offline


    @OfficerDeveloper Ya... What I do to test it is I have multiple cracked minecrafts open at once so i can ban one account and so on...

    Also I just noticed that none of the permissions are implemented so please do not run this on a public server yet...
  20. Offline


    @OfficerDeveloper The punisher in the chat disallow message and the join message will take some doing because I will have to go into the history, find the latest one with that punish type and that is active and display that reason and punisher...
  21. @Chiller Ok so when I editted the config no errors in console it reset the config, whenever I shut the server on and off it resets the config
  22. Offline


  23. @Chiller I edited the config, saved it, then shut the server on and off.

    Still resets the config every time man...

    Also, for the remove part, I want it also to be added a 'Remove Reason: ' and that to be the argument that comes after the name in the /punish command

    Going to bed, please fix that ^ and this:
    %punisher% not working for anything but a warning
    Quick inital 1st tempban (Want it to be the kncreasing time)

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
  24. Offline



    Github Download

    • "Removed reason" in history
    • %punisher% and %reason% for all other messages
    • History not saving
    • Suffix after mute message
    • Changed Player's to OfflinePlayer's
    Also do you want the temp expiration to increase linearly or exponentially?
    Linear: defaultTime * numberOfBans, ex: 30s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s
    Exponentially: ((2 ^ numberOfBans) / 2) * defaultTime, ex: 15s, 30s, 60s, 120s, 240s
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
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