Solved ProtocolLib Errors? Or not?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ColaCraft, Dec 30, 2014.

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    The image above is the error, and here are the issues....

    *  PacketWrapper - Contains wrappers for each packet in Minecraft.
    *  Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian S. Stangeland
    *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
    *  GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
    *  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
    *  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
    *  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
    *  02111-1307 USA
    import org.bukkit.Location;
    import org.bukkit.World;
    import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType;
    import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.IntEnum;
    public class WrapperPlayServerWorldEvent extends AbstractPacket {
        public static final PacketType TYPE = PacketType.Play.Server.WORLD_EVENT;
         * Enumeration of all the sound effects this packet can send.
         * @author Kristian
        public static class SoundEffects extends IntEnum {
            public static final int RANDOM_CLICK_1 = 1000;
            public static final int RANDOM_CLICK_2 = 1001;
            public static final int RANDOM_BOW = 1002;
            public static final int RANDOM_DOOR = 1003;
            public static final int RANDOM_FIZZ = 1004;
             * Data ID: Record ID
            public static final int PLAY_MUSIC_DISK = 1005;
            public static final int MOB_GHAST_CHARGE = 1007;
             * The sound of {@link #MOB_GHAST_FIREBALL}, but with a lower volume.
            public static final int MOB_GHAST_FIREBALL_QUIET = 1009;
            public static final int MOB_GHAST_FIREBALL = 1008;
            public static final int MOB_ZOMBIE_WOOD = 1010;
            public static final int MOB_ZOMBIE_METAL = 1011;
            public static final int MOB_ZOMBIE_WOODBREAK = 1012;
            public static final int MOB_WITHER_SPAWN = 1013;
            public static final int MOB_WITHER_SHOOT = 1014;
            public static final int MOB_BAT_TAKEOFF = 1015;
            public static final int MOB_ZOMBIE_INFECT = 1016;
            public static final int MOB_ZOMBIE_UNFECT = 1017;
            public static final int MOB_ENDER_DRAGON_END = 1018;
            public static final int RANDOM_ANVIL_BREAK = 1020;
            public static final int RANDOM_ANVIL_USE = 1021;
            public static final int RANDOM_ANVIL_LAND = 1022;
            private static final SoundEffects INSTANCE = new SoundEffects();
             * Retrieve an instance of the sound effects enum.
             * @return Sound effects enum.
            public static SoundEffects getInstance() {
                return INSTANCE;
         * Enumeration of all the particle effects this packet can send.
         * @author Kristian
        public static class ParticleEffects extends IntEnum {
             * Spawn 10 smoke particles.
             * <p>
             * Data: Direction
            public static final int SPAWN_SMOKE_PARTICLES = 2000;
             * Block break particles.
             * <p>
             * Data: Block ID.
            public static final int BLOCK_BREAK = 2001;
             * Splash potion particles.
             * <p>
             * Data: Potion ID (damage value)
            public static final int SPLASH_POTION = 2002;
            public static final int EYE_OF_ENDER = 2003;
             * Mob spawn. Smoke and flames.
            public static final int MOB_SPAWN_EFFECT = 2004;
             * Spawn a "happy villager" effect (hearts).
            public static final int HAPPY_VILLAGER = 2005;
             * Spawn falling particles (added in MC 1.7.2).
             * @author kangarko
            public static final int FALL_PARTICLES = 2006;
            private static final ParticleEffects INSTANCE = new ParticleEffects();
             * Retrieve an instance of the particle effects enum.
             * @return Particle effects enum.
            public static ParticleEffects getInstance() {
                return INSTANCE;
        public static class SmokeDirections extends IntEnum {
            public static final int SOUTH_EAST = 0;
            public static final int SOUTH = 1;
            public static final int SOUTH_WEST = 2;
            public static final int EAST = 3;
            public static final int UP = 4;
            public static final int WEST = 5;
            public static final int NORTH_EAST = 6;
            public static final int NORTH = 7;
            public static final int NORTH_WEST = 8;
            private static final SmokeDirections INSTANCE = new SmokeDirections();
             * Retrieve an instance of the smoke direction enum.
             * @return Smoke direction enum.
            public static SmokeDirections getInstance() {
                return INSTANCE;
        public WrapperPlayServerWorldEvent() {
            super(new PacketContainer(TYPE), TYPE);
        public WrapperPlayServerWorldEvent(PacketContainer packet) {
            super(packet, TYPE);
         * Retrieve the ID of the effect.
         * @see {@link SoundEffects} and {@link ParticleEffects}.
         * @return The current Effect ID
        public int getEffectId() {
            return handle.getIntegers().read(0);
         * Set the ID of the effect.
         * @see {@link SoundEffects} and {@link ParticleEffects}.
         * @param value - new value.
        public void setEffectId(int value) {
            handle.getIntegers().write(0, value);
         * Retrieve the X location of the effect..
         * @return The current X
        public int getX() {
            return handle.getIntegers().read(2);
         * Set the X location of the effect..
         * @param value - new value.
        public void setX(int value) {
            handle.getIntegers().write(2, value);
         * Retrieve the Y location of the effect..
         * @return The current Y
        public int getY() {
            return handle.getIntegers().read(3);
         * Set the Y location of the effect..
         * @param value - new value.
        public void setY(int value) {
            handle.getIntegers().write(3, value);
         * Retrieve the Z location of the effect..
         * @return The current Z
        public int getZ() {
            return handle.getIntegers().read(4);
         * Set the Z location of the effect..
         * @param value - new value.
        public void setZ(int value) {
            handle.getIntegers().write(4, value);
         * Retrieve the location of this particle or sound effect.
         * @param world - the containing world.
         * @return The location.
        public Location getLocation(World world) {
            return new Location(world, getX(), getY(), getZ());
         * Set the location of this particle or sound effect.
         * @param loc - the location.
        public void setLocation(Location loc) {
         * Retrieve extra data for certain effects.
         * @see {@link SmokeDirections}
         * @return The current Data
        public int getData() {
            return handle.getIntegers().read(1);
         * Set extra data for certain effects.
         * @see {@link SmokeDirections}
         * @param value - new value.
        public void setData(int value) {
            handle.getIntegers().write(1, value);
         * Retrieve whether or not to ignore the distance of a sound.
         * <p>
         * If TRUE, the effect will always be played 2 blocks away in the correct direction.
         * @return The current Disable relative volume
        public boolean getDisableRelativeVolume() {
            return handle.getSpecificModifier(boolean.class).read(0);
         * Set whether or not to ignore the distance of a sound.
         * <p>
         * If TRUE, the effect will always be played 2 blocks away in the correct direction.
         * @param value - TRUE to disable distance, FALSE otherwise.
        public void setDisableRelativeVolume(boolean value) {
            handle.getSpecificModifier(boolean.class).write(0, value);
    The class above I found here.

    I'm not so worried about the giant Error:null at the beginnig as I am the "Field index out of bounds" a little further down.

    Is this an issue with ProtocolLib or something I am doing?

    Other classes involved:

        public void playRecord(Player player, Vector loc, Material record) {
            WrapperPlayServerWorldEvent event = new WrapperPlayServerWorldEvent();
            event.setData(record != null ? record.getId() : 0);
        public void playWaitMusic(){
            for(Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()){
                Vector playing = sounds.get(p);
                if(playing == null){
                    List<Material> record = new ArrayList<Material>();
                    sounds.put(p, p.getLocation().toVector());
                    playRecord(p, playing, record.get(3));
                    playRecord(p, playing, null);
    Most of this is straight from the link above, as I have never used ProtocolLib before, and I want to get used to the syntax
  2. Offline


        PacketContainer packet = new PacketContainer(PacketType.Play.Server.WORLD_EVENT);
                packet.getIntegers().write(0, 1005);
                packet.getIntegers().write(1, Material.RECORD_3.getId());
                packet.getIntegers().write(2, event.getPlayer().getLocation().getBlockX()); // X
                packet.getIntegers().write(3, event.getPlayer().getLocation().getBlockY()); // Y
                packet.getIntegers().write(4, event.getPlayer().getLocation().getBlockZ()); // Z
                packet.getBooleans().write(0, false); // Relative
                try {
                    ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(event.getPlayer(), packet);
                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
    I used this and it works fine for me. It is pretty much the same as the WrapperPlayServerWorldEvent
  3. Offline


    Getting the same error using that, maybe it is the snapshot version of ProtocolLib, I'll try using an earlier version
  4. Offline


    @ColaCraft The packet changed in 1.8. I don't believe PacketWrapper was updated to handle it, you'll have to wait for an update to it.
  5. Offline


    Yeah, it uses BlockPosition(Vector) instead of the getX() getY() getZ()

    Thanks :)

    Do you happen to know where SoundEffects went in the new PacketWrapper? I tried using PacketType.Play.Server.WHATEVER, but I couldn't find one that looked feasible

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
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    @ColaCraft I am not aware of any new PacketWrapper, so I couldn't tell you
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    By new I meant the newest update
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    @ColaCraft The location didn't change, its still in the wrapper. There is just no updated version of the wrapper for 1.8
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    @ColaCraft Looks like they've removed the static constants for them. Just readd the constants or manually put in their values
    ColaCraft likes this.
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