Solved Properly edit a source?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BMX_ATVMAN14, Nov 30, 2012.

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    Hello all, I'm editing a source of a plugin for the first time, and it doesn't space right, could someone give me some information on how to do it properly?

    This is what I get:
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    I recommend writing your own plugin so you can learn how to do this and not need this kind of help in the future. Its better to learn it on your own so that you can get rid of those confusing ?'s that well pop up when trying to code a plugin you had an idea for. As for your problem I would recommend rewriting this plugin from scratch so you know the code and if you want to keep the functionality of the other plugin add that in. That way when you want to add things you know how it works 100%.
    Its also nice to say that you did something your self and the experience from it is great. But don't think you can't use the forums cause you can cause I know I do sometime :D
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    I do know how to code, reason being why I'm editing it, this is a custom plugin, and I have full rights to do so :p
    The developer made this in the summer, when I was still learning but I have finished quite a bit of tutorials and written most of my servers plugin, but this one I'd like to have to edit, obviously I code re-code it but it would be a lot of wasted time, I mean its functional and works great.
    Thanks for the help! I know I didn't provide enough reasoning as to why I'm editing it, sorry :)

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    If you are using eclipse:

    1st: Select all the source code (Ctrl + A)

    Then use Ctrl + I and it should space it out properly again

    If you are on a mac just use the command key instead of the control key.
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    Cool! Thanks man!
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