Problem with my server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by knifehawk, May 30, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Things I've done:
    •Port forwarded (Triple checked)
    • Correct RUN.bat
    •I can log on but nobody else can
    • I log on through (IPv4 Address)
    •My vanilla server works perfectly with the same ip. (not at the same time obviously)

    I don't see the problem and it's frustrating.
    I also used to play on my Bukkit server untill one time when I was playing Survival games I saved my server and then stopped it, and then the RUN.bat went missing. So I made a new one and I could only join via localhost.
  2. Offline


    You are using your external IP right?
  3. Offline


    My friends login through my external ip, I login through my IPv4 address
  4. Offline


    Check to make sure your server-ip= line is blank.

    Check your external IP at If this fails, you need to check your router firewall and server (Windows 7 I am guessing) firewall.
  5. Offline


    Okay so I went to that website and this is what I got:
    Error: I could not see your service on ***.***.***.*** on port (25565)
    Reason: Connection timed out
  6. Offline


    knifehawk Make sure you now follow the rest of my advice.
  7. Offline


    I did, still no luck
  8. Offline


    If your router's DHCP server regularly changes your internal network IPv4 address, it may mean that your port forwarding breaks (depending on how it's set up) so external clients will be unable to connect.
  9. Offline


    I re-entered the ports, before you told me this. What should I do involving IPv4?
  10. Offline


    Is the server machine assigned a static IP address?
  11. Offline


    I do have a static ip address
  12. Offline


    Have you used

    Use that website with port 25565, then if you get an error do each of these steps and after each step try using the website again:

    1. Check your firewall rules to ensure that TCP port 25565 is open
    2. Make sure your internal IP is static
    3. Double-check your router port forwarding settings, only TCP should be used - not UDP.
    4. Make sure you've not set server-ip in the file, and that the server-port is set to 25565.
    If the above doesn't fix it, reply again.
  13. Offline

    codename_B is localhost?
  14. Offline


    No, it's my IPv4 address.
  15. Offline


    Most routers use a 192.168. X . XXX naming system to assign an IP address to the computer.
    It's not your external ip.
  16. Offline


    Go to - your IP address will be shown in big letters at the top of the page, this is what others should be using to connect to your server.

    Internal IP ranges are commonly:
    172.16.* - 172.28.*

    and addresses like those will not be usable from outside your LAN, unless you have a VPN set up which I doubt.
  17. Offline


    I know what an internal ip is, and an external ip

    I use for whenever my friend used to ask what my ip is. Back when it was working.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  18. Offline


    Have you done these?
  19. Offline


    I just went to check that only the TCP port is open for 25565. Yes, it's the only 25565 port open.

    Okay so it says DHCP is enabled in the command prompt. How do I get a static ip address?
    If it helps I'm using Windows 7 home premium.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Ok. Some points need to be made clear...

    1. 10.x.x.x and 192.x.x.x are reserved for local networks. They are NEVER public IP addresses.
    2. I just google... "what is my ip" and it should bring up your ip without even having to click links.
    3. Hope that helps.
  22. Offline


    My friends log in through the whatsmyip ip. I used that ip from whatsmyip for can canyouseeme. My friends can play perfectly on my Vanilla server, it uses the same ip.
  23. Offline


    Thanks for paraphrasing what codename_B and myself said.
    knifehawk likes this.
  24. Offline


    let me guess... is your friend in your neighborhood? Using the same ISP? You and your friend could be on the same private network still.

    I'm absolutely sure anything that starts with 192.168... is not a public ip address (used to be cisco certified).

    You're welcome : )

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  25. Offline


    I know what my ip is, my friends aren't in the same neighborhood they live in different countries.

    For everyone out there who's posting.
    It's a problem with Bukkit.
    As we speak I'm playing on my vanilla server with my friends, because Bukkit isn't working.

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  26. Offline


    Did you set the server ip to your public ip in
  27. Offline



    View attachment 9844

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  28. Offline


    I hate to sound rude but we're not going to get anywhere by repeating what's been said previously in this topic, which is all you seem to have done so far - TnT has already brought up the potential server-ip issue.

    Make a backup of your existing Bukkit folder.

    Create a new folder for a test Bukkit installation.

    Download Bukkit from into your new folder

    Set up a start script

    Try to run Bukkit

    If you have no problems with a fresh install, it means that the configuration you're using is wrong and we can attempt to aid you in fixing it.
    odielag likes this.
  29. Offline


    Okay so I made a new Bukkit folder and started it and it still doesn't show up on my friends server list but it shows up on mine as localhost. Still not working :(

    After doing some research I googled what's my ip and Google said my ip is 2602:306:cf09:8eb0:f98c:df0:8040:e2f3

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  30. Offline


    So you have not port forwarded correctly.

    Just give up and get Hamachi, you're a lost cause.
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