Problem with my server time

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Yurikoma, May 30, 2012.

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    well basically my server time is wrong the time of the computer the server is running on says it is 6:51 am but the minecraft server says it is 20:51:57

    so any way to fix it?

    note: im using ubuntu
  2. Offline


    not sure mate but one question, is this really a big problem?
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  3. Offline


    well it can be when keeping track of logs and so on, could be causing other background issues also. it may not be a major problem, but it is still a problem, and i would like it resolved
  4. Offline


    fair enough bro, but sorry, i can't help you
  5. Offline


    lol thats okay hopefully someone will come around that knows something about it guess ill just wait and see
  6. Offline


    It works off your system time - make sure that it's all configured correctly.
  7. Offline


    well some reason the system time and server time are different, i don't get it lol
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