Plugin category: Prison Suggested name: Prison Scoreboard What I want: In this request I am asking for a plugin where you can have a scoreboard saying: how much you need to rankup. How much money you have. How many blocks you have broken. What rank you are. Here is an example! (ServerName) Current Rank: (Rank) Next Rank: (NextRank Make Compatible with any rankup plugin. PrisonRankup Preferred) Cost: (The Cost) Balance: (Your Balance) Also can you make money translations? Here is a example so 1000 is translated to 1k 100,000 is translated to 100k 1000000 is translated to 1m 10000000 is translated to 100m 100000000 is translated to 1b 1000000000 is translated to 10b And so on Ideas for commands: /ps refresh (Refreshs the scoreboard) /ps reload (Reloads scoreboard config.) Ideas for permissions: ps.refresh ps.reload When I'd like it by: ASAP
I think this is what you need : Variables: <prisonrankuprank> | Your Rank | S <prisonrankupnextrank> | Your Next Rank | <prisonrankuprankprice> | Your Next Rank's Price | I <money> | The player's balance | I <statsbroken%> | The player's total block broken of a block with the id of %(Replace % With either a block id or "all") | I (You need PrisonRankup,Stats( ) and Vault for this to work) @andrewginn