Name of the plugin: PrisonMine enchants Version of the plugin: latest 1.8 release Description of the plugin: Players should be able to obtain enchantment shards which will have different enchantments on. A player can combine an item and the enchantment shard together in a crafting table to produce that item with the enchantment attached to it. The different enchantments needed: Explosivity: when a player mines a block there is a 1% chance that there will be a small explosion (that does no damage), and destroys a small amount of blocks near the player. All blocks destroyed by the explosion will enter the player's inventory. Dragons Blessing: When a player mines a block of gold, diamond or emerald or their ore counterparts. There’s a 1% chance that the amount of drops would be doubled: e.g. if a player mines a diamond block there's a 1% chance they will pick up 2 diamond blocks. Kings Might: When mining a block there's a 5% chance that the player will gain 2 exp levels. Momentum: The longer one mines the faster their mining speed will become. Scavenger: When mining there’s a 0.5% chance the block mined can be “upgraded”. Block of quartz to block of iron Block of iron to block of gold Block of gold to block of diamond Block of diamond to block of emerald Haste: Gives the player haste 3 when mining whilst the player is holding that item. Unbreakable: makes the item completely unbreakable under any circumstances Aqua Aspect: when a player is holding an item with this enchantment, if they hit a player wearing fire protection armor they lose an extra +1 heart then they normally would. Vampire: when a player is holding an item with this enchantment, if they hit a player there’s a 2% chance that the attacker will gain the amount of hearts the player just lost Yeeting: Like knockback but instead of launching players backwards, there’s a 2% chance of the person being attacked just being launched vertically upwards by a few blocks (like 2 or 3). Leech: A 4% chance that the person being attacked for them to bleed (lose health) for 3 seconds. Speed: if attached to armor and worn it will give the user speed 1 until the armor is taken off Dragon Scales: if attached to a piece of armor it will give the player a 5% chance that an attacker's attack is negated. Vigor: makes spriting consume less hunger Blast Imperilment: when someone wearing this armor is attacked there is a 1% chance the piece of armor will detonate and the attacker will be insta killed. And the wearer will be brought down to 50% I'm not too sure on how the commands should function but it should be an admin command to get the enchantment shards in the first place. so maybe like /enchatmentshard get <name>?