Library PreLib - Library for Java & Bukkit

Discussion in 'Resources' started by PreFiXAUT, Jan 23, 2015.


What do you think about it?

  1. Wow thats cool :)

    1 vote(s)
  2. Well..sounds nice

    1 vote(s)
  3. It's ok

    2 vote(s)
  4. Meh...

    2 vote(s)
  5. Kill it with fire!

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    Hey everybody, I think you all have a Helper Class within your Plugins. They mostly contain small but helpfull Methods which you use, because you dont wanna type them out all the time again. It shouldn't be only a Collection of Methods/Stuff I need, it should also contain Stuff YOU need.

    And basicly, that's PreLib. A big Collection of useful Methods which come everywhere in handy. Where PreLib itself is a Java Library, everything related to Bukkit is put into PreKit (or it's folder). It come with a DirectionHelper, Team-Management and other Stuff.


    I'm missing something in PreLib? Then simply get a GitHub account and create a "Pull Request" to implement your own Methods to it or send me a Message (Bukkit, BukkitDev, Skype, ...) with suggestions and I might add them :)
  2. Offline


    Hello, nice lib but I must say most methods are either very situational, or are already provided in a library. Apache Commons's StringUtils class offers multiple variants of the join() method, which do exactly the same your list() methods. In the ExceptionUtils class there's also a getStackTrace(). If we go back to StringUtils, it also has a isBlank() method (equivalent of Guava's Strings#isNullOrEmpty()) which does the same as PreLib#isSet() method.

    The Javadocs could be improved.. "Replaces the search-String with the replace-String in the given src-String." is pretty meh, and you wouldn't want people to have to analyze your code to just understand what the method really does.

    I'm not sure if it's part of the resource, but Java does already provide an implementation for the Map.Entry class, it's even called the same as yours. It's full name is java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry. Finally I don't see how this resource is related to Bukkit..
  3. Offline


    @PreFiXAUT Looks pretty good, but it would be nice if you were to add some networking classes.
    Rmarmorstein likes this.
  4. @PreFiXAUT It's not "Whoa - that's an awesome library, I should use it now!", it's more of a "Hey, have you heard of this guy - he made a pretty cool library".

    It's not something I would insist on using, however the DirectionHelper class looks awesome. I'd definitely use that one in the future.
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    @Totom3 Oh..well I never used any Library when I was programming (except Bukkit) so sorry :/ As I said, it's just a Collection of Stuff I needed in allot of Situations. And it does have some Stuff for Bukkit -> net.prefixaut.prekit

    @Skionz Thanks I'll try to add some Stuff for that, but what exactly do you mean with networking? Like HTTP Parsing and Stuff like that, or TCP/IP Packets stuff etc. ?

    @DJSkepter Thanks for feeedback :) As I mentioned before, I'm gonna add allot of Stuff (by request) so may anything that you'ld like to add maybe?
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