prefixs that tie in with pex

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by i like sox, Feb 14, 2017.

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    i like sox

    I am looking for someone to code me a prefix plugin that allows you to change your prefix with a gui
    with Custom perms and that ties in with pex and essentials chat

    version 1.8+

    preferred Commands

    /Prefix - opens the GUI with all the different prefixs in it

    preferred perms

    prefix.use.Example - can set perms for each prefix


    Able to make prefixs in color

    able to make custom prefixs and put them in a GUI :)

    able to set the perm for the prefixs made

    able to change the block in the GUI

    I have no idea if this is possible but im really hoping it is
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
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    Pex already has prefixes integrated that are fully functional with color and format codes.
    Player Specific:
    /pex user <playername> prefix [newprefix]
    Group Specific:
    /pex group <groupname> prefix [newprefix]

    Note that if you want to use spaces in the prefix, you need to use double quotes. Also, to remove a prefix from a group or player, just leave the [newprefix] field blank.

    /pex group helper prefix "&5[&bHelper&5]&8 "

    Turns into this for everyone in the group Helper in the chat:

    [Helper] Notch: Hello

    Same thing when using player specific commands, but obviously only works for the specified player. You may have to play around with this and the chat format in Essentials to get what you want.
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