Prefix/Suffix Selector

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by killerbigmacs, Feb 7, 2015.

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    Name: Tag Selector

    Desc.: Select a prefix/suffix based off of what you have unlocked

    Commands: /tag reload [Reloads Plugin] /tag [Opens tag selection GUI]

    Perms: Perm per tag reload.ts [reloads Plugin]

    ExTag: [Tag Name]
       prefix: '&7[&amy prefix&7] &r' [Prefix tag]
       suffix: '' [Suffix tag]
       permission 'none' [No perms}
       slot_id: 1 [Location in GUI]
       slot_item: 57 [Item/block it shows up as in GUI]
       slot_name: '&7Ex tag' [Name it shows as in GUI]
       slot_lore: '&dEx lore' [Lore it shows in the GUI]
    Additional Info: You can only have 1 tag on at a time.
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    My Plugin ChatTitles allows you to do this, it requires RankPrefix+ to run though.
    Both links are in my Signature.
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    @mrCookieSlime It is very intriguing but I would prefer the custom plugin if possible
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