Prefix / Nick Simple Commands + Permissions

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Inspectiver, Nov 26, 2017.

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  1. Hello,

    I am looking for a plugin that can let you create custom prefix's that players with the individual permissions can use. I would also like a nickname command.
    I would like the commands to change these to just be /prefix PREFIXHERE and /nick NICKHERE
    instead of
    /pp prefix
    /prefix set
    /set prefix
    I would like it to just get to the point with the commands.

    Finally, I would like players to be able to add color to their prefix. Also if you have the permission PrefixOwner Your prefix would be pre-set. And you can't change it. If you had for example PrefixOwner.set you would be able to change the color of your prefix with color codes.
    (The permissions don't have to be PrefixOwner or PrefixDonor, they could be whatever is easiest as long as each rank has its own permission for editable and non-editable.

    I hope this makes sense. If you could create this plugin for me, that would be brilliant. If this plugin already exists, and you can link me it, that would be even better.

  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Use PermissionsEx and Essentials or NickName+
    You can use an alias plugin to change the commands with permissions ex (and nickname if needed)
  4. 1.12 or above is fine.

    But I want them to be able t change the color of their prefix (and the color only) by just typing /prefix andthentypeheretheirprefixandcolors
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