Precious Stones + Factions + Multiverse. Is this possible?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 1101001, Apr 7, 2012.

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    Ok, so this is a pretty weird question and quite hard to explain, but i will do my best. Sorry if this is a little hard to understand.

    First of all i will give some context.
    My server is currently running happily with a SpawnWorld and a 'Normal' world, which is just normal survival with PvP disabled. We use Precious Stones on this world along with Log Block to keep griefing non-existent on the server, however, we are currently planning on expanding to have a PvP world as well, where PvP is allowed.

    This is where the complication comes.
    We are planning on using the Factions plugin on our server for this new PvP world, due to popular demand from the players. So i am wondering if and how factions will effect the world with PvP disabled (the 'Normal' world), and how it will react with Precious Stones both in the PvP world and the Normal world.

    I know i haven't been very elaborate on what i am asking, but i am really clueless as to what might happen, so please ask specific questions and stufff.

    *Also, i know of the existence of the Simple Clans plugin, and if this combination isn't possible, we will use that instead, but we really want to use Factions since that's what the players want.*
  2. Offline


    If you set up your permissions right, I recommend PEX, you can assign all the Faction commands/permissions to the Factions world, and all precious Stone commands/permissions to your normal world.

    With PvP - Enable PvP on your server, and use Mulitverse to disable PvP and Normal world and enable it in Faction worlds.

    I also suggest in the factions config, add Normal world as a world that land can't be claimed on. This stopping people from claim faction land in the Normal world

    I have basically the same setup on my server but the normal world is Towny and Factions world is factions.

    Hope this helps you
  3. Offline


    Oh, yes that helped tonnes! Thanks :D

    One question though, i already use PEX, how do i go about assigning permissions to a world? I've only ever used it for player ranks.
  4. Offline


    *mindless bump*
  5. Offline


            - preciousstones.benefit.*
            - preciousstones.whitelist.*
            - preciousstones.benefit.*
            - preciousstones.whitelist.*

    Doesn't work...
  6. Offline


    Does anybody actually know how to do permissions for worlds in PEX?
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