I'm looking for a plugin which will allow transit via portals between 3 worlds: creative world, nether and survivial world. Any ideas?
No, I'm saying I haven't FOUND anything appropriate. That's why I'm asking if anyone else knows of any
You will need several plugins to handle this. One portal plugin (multiverse, travelportals, etc), one permissions plugin (Permissions or GroupManager, to give players different permissions depending on the world. they should be able to /give themselves free items in creative, but not in survival), and one plugin to handle inventories (MultiInv -- this way people don't just give themselves 100 diamonds in the creative world, and bring it to the survival world)
Cheers. Could I get those portals to go between 3 worlds? And could I use MultiInv to keep same inventory between nether and survival and just have separate inventory for creative?