Portable Utilities

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TheMinecraftKnight, Mar 18, 2016.

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  1. Plugin category: Utilities / Donator Perks

    Suggested name: KnightzMC-Utilites

    What I want: A plugin that adds multiple commands, each for one of the utilities eg /enchantingtable (alias /et) and an enchanting GUI opens up. I won't need /enderchest or /workbench as I have Essentials for that, I would however like these commands:
    Ideas for commands:

    Default Command | Alias | Description
    • /furnace | /cook | Opens a furnace GUI THAT KEEPS COOKING WHILE CLOSED. Essentially a Furnace PlayerVault
    • /anvil | NO ALIAS | Opens an anvil GUI
    • /enchantingtable | /et | Opens an enchanting table GUI (with 3 lapis in if you have the correct permission).
    • /jukebox | /song | Places a jukebox where ever you are looking. Right-click to open a GUI with a song chooser (Permission based eg utility.song.cat). Left click / punch to put it back into your portable cloud. Cannot be performed when the jukebox is already out. It needs some form of optional protection for usage.
    • /Brewingstand | /brew | Same as Furnace, just with a brewing stand. No nether warts or bottles included.
    • /Utilities | /utils | Opens a GUI with all the utilities. Here is a gif of what I'd like it to look like: http://imgur.com/F2FJuEh (Because /workbench and /echest are made by external plugins I don't know if you will be able integrate these into the menu. I hope so.)

    Ideas for permissions: utlitiy.furnace, utility.anvil, utility.enchant, utility.enchant.lapis, utility.jukebox.[song], utility.brew, utility.list

    When I'd like it by: Whenever while ASAP. I appreciate this is a HUGE request, so I won't rush anyone :)

  2. Offline


    @TheMinecraftKnight I'll take this up. If I don't respond in 3-4 hours, tahg me in a message.
  3. Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2016
  4. Offline


    @TheMinecraftKnight Sorry for not replying I stopped working on this. This really didn't interest me.
  5. Ok. Anyone else available to do this?
  6. Offline


    I'll work on this for you, however I'm unable to start immediately. I'll try getting back to you next week.
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