Question Port forward TCP

Discussion in 'General Help' started by leo849s, May 13, 2015.

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    I figured out it doesn't work no matter what i do, added inbound rule on the firewall, allowed the TCP etc...
    when i tell people my external IP it does not work and PFPortChecker doesn't say it does either.
    No idea how to fix it, I checked previous threads, other forums and youtube videos and it does not work.
    If anyone can help me and tell me what i need to do to make it easier for you to help just reply please.
    Thanks in advanced.
    My router is NETGEAR DGN2200-64

    side note: It used to work sometimes and sometimes not.
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    Hello @leo849s ,

    Please follow this guide on how to portforward.

    If you don't understand the tutorial or have a question, ask me.
    Networking is fun. <3

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    This guide is a bit old i think because there were some stuff that i don't even have and may be different on my router, I still tried it and i could not complete the last level as it's probably different on my router.

  4. I am not an expert; but to me, it looks like you need to edit the UPnP(??) settings to forward any incoming traffic on the port you are using (25565 by default) to your local IP (not your public IP, get your local IP, by typing "ipconfig" without quotes into a cmd prompt)

    It will be called something like "Link-Local IPv6 Address"(but maybe not exactly that) and it will probably start with something like 192.168.*.* but it will NOT be your Default Gateway which will be something like

    If all else fails and you cannot port forward; install ddwrt firmware on your router and port forward with that; I love ddwrt it is very powerful and fast, and it makes port forwarding a snap along with increasing the speed and range of your router (at the cost of your router's lifespan of course so be careful with those settings)
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