This is a blanket request thread for plugins that are crucial for various people's servers. I'm listing past hMod plugins ONLY - look for new, Bukkit-exclusive plugins elsewhere. Priorities (for our server): High Medium Low Already ported: AntiBreak BackupArea BackupPlugin Bedrock Gap Insurance BigBrother ClayReg - now AnyReg Cleaner CraftIRC DeathNotify DynamicMap Guilds iConomy iStick LoginMessage LWC MagicCarpet MapMarkers MCBans MCDocs MeasuringTape MinecartMania MMPlugin - a.k.a. Minecraft Map MonsterHunt MoveCraft NPCs PrivateWarp SafePVP SearchIds Server Port Server Remote Toolkit - a.k.a. Minecraft Restarter SlowHealth SpawnList TeleConfirmLite TimeRift - now TimeShift Vanish VoxelSniper Wand WorldEdit WorldGuard Confirmed to be ported: BorderLands ClassChooser CmdAlert Combat Reloaded CommandHelper CommandOn ControllerBlock CraftBook CraftingReloaded Craftizens CuboidPlugin Dungeon & Random Loot Maker Fortification Gimme My Blocks! GodPowers GroupSpawnList Heal HelpTicket hEmail hSpleef Hungry iLoveYou - a.k.a. Herobrine Invincible Tools JSONApi LimRules - My plugin =) LocalChat MCStats MineQuery MineTNT MVoter NewPlayerGift PushBlocks - now BlockPush RailProtect Realms ScriptingApi SignPrintf SignProtect SpawnControl Stargate The New Economy TwitterEvents UpdatrFront - Going to be implemented otherwise; a.k.a. Updatr War Unknown status: Achievements AdventurerMode AfkKick - Probably easy to port AuthCraft BlastPick BlockDoor BlockHead - a.k.a. MSCUtil; Will be made obsolete after a Minecraft update ChatChannels ClassChooser CombatFlags CreeperNerf DalaChat - Needs fixing anyway; Author MIA DalaJail DalaRank DSMail ExactSpawn flyRidgeFly GoodNight GracefulReboot GriefAlert LeafDropper - Better than Notch's leaf decay =) ListColors - Might become obsolete LogBlock LoginQueue Lottery MagicSpells MatchMaking - Might become obsolete MineSecurity MobDrops Mobile Admin nullRoll Obituaries PromotePlugin - Might become obsolete Promoter PunishPlugin PushBlocks QuickPort RoadWalker SeenLast SignDispenser SM_Plugin - a.k.a. Automatically detect and kick/ban MCCheat players Snow - Will be made obsolete after a Minecraft update SpawnPoints Stats Teleport - Might become obsolete Teleport++ Tips Towny tpToggle - Needs fixing anyway TradeCraft Vault Warp System - Hasn't been maintained for a while Warn WarpTable - Might become obsolete WaypointPlugin Developers of the respective plugins are welcome to report what their plans are for the future, i.e. whether they want to port their work to Bukkit. I have put some of the stuff on the list already, gathering information about what devs already declared their willingness to switch to Bukkit (especially if they are on the team ;-). EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Worldguard has as creeper nerf it stops the booom. I vote yes on Minecartmania as well I prefer it over craftbooks. Add the follow - these are crucial to our server that are not listed so far. SpawnController Backups & Map - Unless someone can name a better one - This one works fine! Promoter - usefull, Maybe this can intergrated into this project! LoginMessage - another one to possible intergrate in project! LWC - The best of the best for this security! Couple Unlinked plug-ins as there not needed per say but good fun or usefull. Roadwalker MoveCraft Edit: Snap you replied before I finished writing this up oh well its here now! I will just add then why I prefer minecartmania A. it does more B. If it breaks we can just disable it and our gates as well. I usually disable all the minecart features of craftbook.
Actually MinecartMania does less (apart from like two things that CraftBook makes up for elsewhere) - even when it comes to Minecarts alone - when you compare it to CraftBook's latest betas (or features that are being put in soon). =) The only thing missing from CraftBook are elevators and Directional Stations (i.e. intersections you can choose the direction to continue in). On the other hand it has far better redstone integration - some things from Minecart Mania are also done better in CraftBook. i.e. Ejectors, Directed Reverse, Sorters, In-Cart Control, Empty Minecart Coasting I used to run Minecart Mania... But hey, to everybody his/her own.
There are certain things that MinecartMania has that CraftBook doesnt my server runs both but had craftbook's minecart stuff disabled also CraftBook is already announced it is being ported
add tkelly's herobrine(iLoveYou), I think updatr will be obsolete thanks to bukkit's plugin repo. I think tkelly's going to port herobrine because I already saw his interest with bukkit lol
Thank you very much for making this list; I am glad to see so many plugins I know and love to be available with Bukkit at or near release. May I politely request Craftizens and AdventurerMode comin' over to the Dark Side?
iLoveYou is on the list. I won't set the priorities for the things people ask me to put on the (second) list since I can't decide what to do when the priority for one person is different to another - I can only judge it by our own server. =)
It is all up to the plugin devs on if/when they are porting anyway. So if they have not expressed interest already go poke them and get them over here.
I'm sure plugins will be ported as they come, if developers don't port something I'm sure I can take them up and fix them easy.
I'm planning on porting all of my plugins (so iLoveYou can be confirmed). And yea, we're working on building Updatr into Bukkit, but I guess it's not really a plugin then As a side note, I'd recommend not guessing if plugins will be ported
Quote "CreeperNerf -> WorldGuard (and BorderLands and CuboidPlugin and Realms) makes it obsolete" Creepernerf just allows creepers to explode at a certain height. So they explode underground, not above ground. I don't believe any of those plug ins are capable of that. If they did incorporate that would be great since its once less plugin
Hey, I'm not guessing, the plugins I said would be ported were ones mentioned by their devs on IRC or on the hMod forums. =) But yeah - we won't know for sure until the day comes. ^^
Please add "DalaJail" to the list, i believe that to be high priority. Also I'd like to see some kind of InvisibilityMode/Vanish/iStealth in there.
I'm going to port The New Economy as soon as I possibly can. May be a little harder now that I'm back at school but I'll get it done.
EvilSeph had asked me to port LWC over to Bukkit hopefully before the official release a while back, and I had said yes. It's still my intention to port it over ASAP
I heard Bukkit was using sqlite as well as possibly mysql? if that's the case, then I imagine I'll still continue to use my own db/file just to keep it seperate (and if it ever uses threading, locking could become an issue with writes if I used its db). There wouldn't be any major differences otherwise of either situation (that I'm aware of) at some point mysql support may be implemented, but it's not the highest priority at the moment
Last time I checked - making plugin's wasn't a competition... Anyway, Minecart Mania is a focused plugin, Craftbook is a kitchen-sink plugin, both are good at different things.
Oh yeah, i thought it was but i did not want to say it was someone else and then have someone saying it wasn't them lol