Plugin that plays MIDI files constantly.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Axe2760, Aug 17, 2013.

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    A quick google search didn't find much, is there a plugin that can play midi files using the default sounds in minecraft? It seems like its not a pursued idea, but I think its extremely cool. It would need to play them constantly without stopping, one song stops and the other starts.

    Worse comes to worst I can make my own, but I know absolutely nothing about midi+programming, and I have no idea how to "match" the sounds. That being said I haven't researched that at all, if it is easy then nevermind :3
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    CraftBook, set a Melody IC to loop, or create a playlist that loops and put it in the jukebox IC.
    If you don't set the range, it'll be global.

    More info is available on the craftbook wiki which is accessible through google.
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    Me4502 Dude, that's awesome! Thanks so much, keep up the great work with it! :D Will try it out.
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