Plugin Specialist - Solving all your plugin problems!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by maxa2g, Apr 24, 2012.

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    Plugin Specialist - Solving all your plugin problems!
    [diamond]Having plugin problems? I am available to help you solve all your plugin problems![diamond]
    :D I specialize in: :D
    Configuration Assistance
    General Server Set up
    Console Errors
    Plugin Advice

    Just post Your plugin problems/server problems in these comments and ill sort anything out =)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  2. Offline


    Hi there ;)

    i wanna ask your advices about some plugins :p
    i need a plugin that blocks global chat, and needs command like /global (or /g) to chat globally..
    only people around 10 blocks away from the player can hear the local chat (chat without '/' )
    something like that can handle chats.. thanks :D
  3. Offline


    I have this Console Error since I upgraded to CraftBukkit 1.2.5R1.2:

    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.sendPacket(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityTrackerEntry.updatePlayer(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityTracker.track(
    at net.minecraft.server.WorldManager.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.c(
    at net.minecraft.server.WorldServer.c(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.addEntity(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.addEntity(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.sendPacket(
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.EntityTrackerEntry.updatePlayer(
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.EntityTrackerEntry.scanPlayers(
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.EntityTrackerEntry.track(
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.EntityTracker.updatePlayers(
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] at
    2012-04-25 17:39:43 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.sendPacket(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityTrackerEntry.updatePlayer(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityTrackerEntry.scanPlayers(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityTrackerEntry.track(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityTracker.updatePlayers(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(

    I also need some help at finding Plugins for these specific Things:
    1. Support-Chat where people must send a request to enter and a command like /support
    2. Instant Arrow Remove - Instead of arrows staying and lagging the server (Not //remove arrow!)
    3. Newbie PvP Protection - Protection for the first xx Minutes on New Player Join
    4. When a player reaches xxx amount of kills, he gets automatically ranked up.
    5. And also when he gets ranked up, he becomes a specific amount of items.

    Thank you in advance :D
  4. Offline


    Herochat allows you to put a block radius on your chat =) give it a shot i use it on my server so my chat doesnt get spammed =D and only people with the right permissions can join the chats =D
  5. Offline


    I am new to the bukkit server system. i have used the minecraft server you can get at for a few months now and saw the possibilities of bukkit.

    I installed bukkit essentials so that i could get a store goin for mats in the game. all i did was download it, unzip the files, and put essentials.jar, essentialschat.jar, essentialsprotect.jar, and essentialsspawn.jar into the pluggins folder. i looked on the internet to see if i have to conifugre the plugins but i can't tell if i do or not. i have made the signs and they won't work. the [sell] and [buy] won't turn blue. and when i right click on them, i get message in the game saying "

    [essentialsprotection] Protection Owner : Tophellcat
  6. Offline


    Here is a list of plugins u suggest insted of what you are using it will make your life a lot eaier =)
    - Essentials is good =) (Delete essentialsprotect and essentialschat)
    - Download herochat (This also needs a plugin called Vault-No config needed for vault)
    - If u really want to protect your world use WorldGuard (If its just you and some trusted m8s i wouldnt worry about it though)
    - Lastly a plugin called PermissionsEX (This one can be difficult to configure if you haven't done it before i suggest watching a lot of youtube tutorials and the wiki on the Bukkit permissionsEX page. This plugin enables you to set ranks for differnt players allowing/disallowing them to use specified commands commands!

    Good luck and I hope this helps!
  7. Offline


    what about the part to get the sale signs to work?
  8. Offline


    Getting rid of essentials protect will do it
    -Everyone will need to be OP to use the Shop signs unless you use some sort of permissions plugin tho
  9. Offline


    Why do you reply everyone except me? :(
  10. Offline


    I did reply to your question sorry must have forgotten to hit "Post reply"
    I did some reaserch looks like it might be solved by deleting all of your player data files from your main world folder
    extension - world/players/...
    I can't say that this is a 100% fix all i know is that there is a lot of java problems with 1.2.5 that my server is also having and many others are as well.

    Good luck and I hope this helps =)
  11. Offline


    Well that would be impossible since we have over 3000 Players xD
    I downgraded to RC1.0, works fine again.


  12. Offline


    1. I suggest HeroChat this allows you to have multiple chat channels that you can have different permissions nodes to join. Also passworded channels...and full formatting!
    2.Use a plugin called ClearLagg (This removes all server items entities on a set timer no need for commands)
    3.Newbie protection can be set in the newest essentials config
    4.(Unknown sorry)
    5.Use essentials kit so when he hits a rank he can use the /kit (Kitname) commands

    Hope this helps Good Luck =)
  13. Offline


    I cant place or break any blocks, I set the spawn radius to 10 went out of that area and i still couldn't break them.
    I have no idea what is wrong.
    Please Help
  14. Offline


    Chances are you need to set yourself as an OP do this command in your consol /op YOURNAME
    If you want to get into more specifics i suggest getting the permissionsEX plugin this lets you sort your users into differnt groups with differnt commands!
    Hope this helps Best of luck =)
  15. Offline


    I tried it as an OP and it still doesn't work. And I set the permisions, I'll post them so you can see if I screwed up on anything.
    Thanks for the advice

    default: true
    - -bukkit.command.kill
    - lockette.user.create.*
    - CommandIConomy.Free
    - g:essentials_default
    - g:bukkit_default
    prefix: '&e'
    build: false
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - default
    - g:essentials_builder
    - g:towny_builder
    prefix: '&2'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    - lockette.admin.bypass
    - lockette.admin.break
    - lockette.admin.snoop
    - lockette.user.create.*
    - CommandIConomy.Free
    - ops[]
    - builder
    - g:essentials_moderator
    - g:bukkit_moderator
    - g:towny_moderator
    prefix: '&5'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - moderator
    - g:essentials_admin
    - g:bukkit_admin
    - g:towny_admin
    prefix: '&c'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    - '*'
    - admin
    prefix: '&4'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
  16. Offline


    Which permissions
    What permissions plugin are you using? Also can u post this permissions.yml in and comment the link back =) cheers
  17. Offline


    can i have help with permissons me and my friend cant do it and i looked up videos on it and still cant get it right will you be willing to do it with my over teamviwer i dont need manny ranks and i have skype so we cant talk and im useing bPermmisons so pm me back
  18. Offline


    Use permissionsEX its what i use if you use that i can setup the basic Default and Admin rank for you and give you a pastbin link to it
  19. Offline


    maxa2g Ok i am getting irritated of solving forms with issues that involve Essentials and Permissionsex please tell further people who are posting such forms to use Permissionsex not essentials. Especially if it is a conflicting with one another. and if they want a permissons.yml layout i am happy to provide one.
  20. Offline


    I need live help with permissions on my server...

    Can you please PM me your skype or email?
  21. Offline


    shure pm me here and ill send you my skype
  22. Offline


    This doesnt make any sence.... permissionsEX and essentials are made to run along eachother.. dw about it im fine working on this lol

    I suggest looking it up on u tube there are some amazing guides on there and i will be posting some of my own soon!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  23. Offline


    I have Essentials, LWC, WorldGuard/WorldEdit on my server. I have protected
    the spawn area which is also a town and have made a furnace area but once I
    deopp myself, I cannot use the furnace (essentially meaning that other players wouldn't
    be able to use them either). How can I make them public? I do know that they are not
    protected through LWC, since already trying /cremove.
  24. Offline


    Are these furnaces at spawn?

    If so type this:
    /rg flag spawn chest-access allow
  25. Offline


    u can do a global flag by doing /region flag __global__ (Flag) (Allow/Disallow)
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    njcelso Cant upload a file to a thread, coppy the Yml, and paste it into the code section.


    Youre code goes here
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    okay i will get it and do you have a skype it would be much better to help me with and we can set up a time
  30. Offline


    it wont let me past it in
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