Plugin Search

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by sfxworks, Aug 18, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Is there a plugin that lets me right click a sign or an npc from citizens to change my skin?
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  3. Offline


    Who says a plugin can't autonav to a url and upload it for me?
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    How do you wanna let your server authenticate with your minecraft account at
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    user provides user/pass
  6. Offline


    Hmm I thought there were security questions, but k.
    So to answer the question: No, there's isn't any plugin that does this yet. Are you used to write java and develop plugins?
  7. Offline


    psh, you use to be able to load those with that (or something like) pixel art plugin and just have the user type what he sees
    would be cool

    Not use to
    but can
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