Plugin Search - Nerf / Disable Cobblestone Generating Farms

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by tremor, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Just wondering if something might already be appropriate to do this, but I found a redstone/piston setup that a player had going that was able to generate 4 double chests of cobblestone in under an hour. While watching chat caught this guy telling his friends that when he was done generating enough cobblestone they could smash the chests and crash/lag the server.

    - So, just wondering if anything exists that will put a damper on these types of mass farming. I already have worldguard and MCMonsterFix which end obsidian generators and alot of melon and mob farming problems.
  2. Offline


    Ill look into it tomorrow.^^
  3. Offline


    This can easily be done in the configuration file of World Guard.
  4. Offline


    Really? because I don't see it... only this:

        disable-obsidian-generators: true
    Which only applies to the redstone obdisian generator.. not cobblestone generators.
  5. Offline


    Oh, i'm sorry. :3
  6. Offline


    No problem. I think I found a fix with a plugin that changes what blocks a piston is allow to push.

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