Plugin Request - PvP Divisions

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by BabyWarGoddess, Oct 18, 2014.

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    Plugin Category: PvP

    Suggested Name: PvP Divisions

    What I want: I want a plugin that have the ability to add a suffix of the "Division" to a player's name base on their kills/points. Player would receive a certain point (that is configurable) base on each kill. Let's say that player receive 10 points for every kill, and the requirement to rank up to the first division/rank (lowest) is 100 points; corresponding to 10 kills. (The higher the ranks, the more points needed to rank up)
    (0 kills) [Owner] BabyWarGoddess
    (After 10 kills) [Owner] BabyWarGoddess [B5] (B5=Bronze 5)
    *Division Ranking System (Example)
    Default - 0 kills/0 points
    Bronze 5 - Configurable
    Bronze 4 - Configurable
    Bronze 3 - Configurable
    Bronze 2 - Configurable
    Bronze 1 - Configurable
    Silver 5-1 | Gold 5-1 | Platinum 5-1 | Diamond 5-1 | Challenger (Yes, I took this straight from L.o.L)
    - The System above is just an example. Can you please make it editable (for the name of each rank) for other people because I'm sure that they want to call their ranks with different names.
    - Also, I want to make sure that these ranks that you have to create them. I want to make sure that they are not relate to the groups in Group-manager or other "Group Plugin" that they use.
    - I want player to also lose points upon death (the amount of point lost upon death is configurable). This would makes it more competitive and they can drop from a certain division to a lower division if the point reaches 0.
    - To prevent "Farming Kills" I want players cannot kill the same player 3 or more times (or could be configurable on how many time you cannot kill the same player)
    - Info/Data of kills and deaths of a players can be store in a file (I think this usually be in a yml file?)
    - Reward system upon rank up would be nice ^_^!

    Ideas for commands:
    - /PvP ranks (Show all available ranks in order from lowest to highest and the amount of points required)
    - /PvP rankup {playername} (Rankup a player to next rank in the "Tree-Class")
    - /PvP rankup {playername} {rank} (Rankup a player to certain rank)
    - /PvP demote {playername} (Demote a player to the previous rank in the "Tree-Class")
    - /PvP demote {playername} {rank} (Demote a player to certain rank)
    - /PvP top (Show the top 10 players with most kills/highest division)
    - /PvP Stat (Show a player's stats. Example below)
    ----------| PvP Statues:
    Division: Bronze 5
    Points require to rank up: 100
    K/D : {Kills|Deaths} KDR : {displaykilldeathratio}
    - This is some basic command I think the plugin should have. I think there are still some commands need to be added so please feel free to add any command that you think is necessary ^_^!

    Ideas for Permission:

    - pvpd.rankup
    - pvpd.showstat
    - pvpd.admin.promote
    - pvpd.admin.demote

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible :)

    Thank you for reading my plugin request.
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    EDIT: Forgot, I had a day off tomorrow. I'll try and sort you out, if anyone else wants to have a go at this, by all means go ahead.

    Regarding this:
    - Reward system upon rank up with be nice ^_^!

    The only way I can think of to do this, currently, could cause serious lag whenever a player dies. What did you have in mind for the rewards?

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    Thank you so much for helping me out. As you ask, if the reward section cause too much lag, you can just get rid of it ^_^. However, what I have in mind for rewarding system is some money, diamond, horse eggs. I don't think "OP Sword" or "OP Armor" is a good idea because it would make players more OP and make it unfair for lower gears players ^_^. Regardless of this, I want to remind you that making the reward system is not necessary, but it would be nice to have one ^_^.

    Thank you.


    I changed my mind. No reward system is needed. ^_^
    Sorry for the inconvinience ^_^

    Thank you

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    If all goes well, It'll be done by tomorrow. I'm leaving out rewards for now, but maybe later when I have more free time can implement it.

    EDIT: You didn't want rewards anyways. :)
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    Yay!!! ^_^ I can't wait to see it.
    All Thanks to you for helping me ^_^
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    Finished most. I can't figure out this bug with the suffixes, hopefully it will come to me tomorrow. Commands need to be done, but they shouldn't take long. I also need to prevent kill farming. But the majority of the work is done. Continuing tomorrow. :)
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    How would rewards be hard?
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    Not hard, simply causing lag. To my knowledge they'd need to go in the PlayerDeathEvent event. From past experience, I know putting too much code in this event can cause lag whenever a player dies.

    You could also monitor entity hit events, then when the health = 0, do stuff. However, this monitors every hit, and it sounds like the server is a PvP server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Caprei I don't think that the amount of code you need will provide any lag at all.
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    I"m just a little confuse about how when a player dies have to do with the rewards when they rankup?... ^_^ just curious :3
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    BabyWarGoddess Basically, you want players to get rewards based on their ranks, right? Ranks are based on how many kills you get. To track the kills you need to check whenever a player dies. Then if the killer has enough kills to get to the next level, then they get the reward.

    timtower You think so? I'll do some experimenting. Maybe my server is just really bad.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Caprei Or you are overcomplicating your code.
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    timtower That too, perhaps more likely.
    timtower likes this.
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    Ah that's why, I get it now ^_^
    However, if you think the rewards causes lag you can just remove it ^_^
    On the other hand, if you almost got it and need more time, feel free to take your time
    I don't mind waiting ^_^

    Thank you
  16. Offline


    Literally, rewards do not cause any lag. Caprei it would simply be
    1. player.getInventory().addItem(item);
  17. Offline


    Hopefully it will be done today. I'm stuck on a bug which I just cannot fix. I'm doing some research now. For rewards, I'll add in the option to toggle them, how does that sound? In the config, you can set a value to false to disable rewards.

    On this scale, yes they do not cause any lag. I think when I did it about 2 months ago:

    - I had to keep track of Killstreaks, set them to 0 when they die, add 1 when they kill someone etc.
    - I had many more rewards including: Potion effects, double jumping, lightning sticks, "King" and so on.
    - My code was very over complicated back then, I was still relatively new to the Bukkit API, and I still am, however I'm learning quickly. :)
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    Please do.
    Anyways, please let me know when you finish it ^_^

    Thank you
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