Plugin Request: Player Online Time

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Everlong, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Administration

    Suggested name: OnlineTime (I'm not very creative...)

    A bit about me: Limited knowledge of plugin development and currently don't have the time to complete a full plugin but if I can just get the structure of the plugin I'm sure I'd manage the rest myself. I host a server on one of my 2U rack servers alongside a few websites which are hosted on some older DL360s that fit comfortably inside my HP rack. Mainly do the back-end work behind the servers but often venture into programming every so often.

    What I want: I'm looking for a plugin that will record players' online times in a MySQL database such as the feature that LogBlock has (having some problems with it and therefore cannot use said feature). It would be useful if you could enter a command and the player's online time would be returned but I don't need this as I'll just do it myself.

    Ideas for commands: /ot <player> - returns the player's online time.

    Ideas for permissions: - request to see the player's online time

    When I'd like it by: Need this done as soon as possible but as I mentioned before, I don't need a complete plugin; the structure of it would do and I can just work on the rest myself.

    Devs who might be interested in this: I have no friends! :(

    Thank you for reading and I hope you can help in some way.

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