[Plugin Request] 'Behavior' Points

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mima19, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Admin/anti grief

    Suggested name: RulePoints, or Behavior points (sounds better I think...)

    What I want: A plugin that will manage points, given by admins/mods. Once a player gets cartain amount of points the plugin will isue a command like /tempban, or /kick

    Ideas for commands: /rulepoints add <user> <amount> gives player points (negetive supported), /rp take/remove <user> <Amount> takes points away from a player (getting closer to 0, not - points), /rp stats <user> show how many points a player has), with an ability to give out points if somthing is said or done...(I know its a lot)(2 configs needed, 1st one for actions, 2nd for commands)

    Ideas for permissions: rulepoints.add/remove, rulepoints.stats.self/other, rp.imune.auto, rp.imune.all, rp.imune.commands

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you can, but please update it to newer versions

    Similar plugin requests:couldn't find anything simillar

    Extra Info: I would like some credits once its made...
    As well as the source incase your pc/host crashes and you have to do it from the begginging

    Any Questions you ask.
  2. Offline


    What do you want credit for? You haven't done any actual work for it, just thought of the idea.

    Anyways, I made something like this for my server. I'll change a few things around and release it.
  3. Offline


    Just in case I got you wrong: You really want someone to create a plugin for you for free and in addition you want to get the source-code and be credited for...nothing?!
  4. Offline


    credit is for the idea, and the source is because many people lose it, and then can't be asked to do it from begginging 2nd time.
    if your not happy for what i ask, don't do it.
  5. Offline


    Of course I won't do it, but I guess there's noone who will do it...
  6. Offline


    It would only seem appropriate to ask for credit for the idea if you were paying someone a large sum of money to make the plugin, and even then it'd be a little odd...
    Anyway, I'll keep an eye on this thread and get the plugin once it's released. I could do with something like this too.
  7. I guess he has the rights to ask for credits. He came up with the idea.
    The plugin itself shouldn't be hard to make, but I'm not gonna do it cuz I've already gotten so much to do.
  8. Offline


    Of course he can ask for credits, but not for the source and then want the plugin for free!
  9. Offline


    Are you stupid? Do you think anyone would pay for a plugin? He can ask for some credit and he should get some too. It was he's idea. What's wrong with that? all the developer has to say is; Plugin made by me, Idea by Mima19.
  10. Obviously I wouldn't credit him for making the plugin, just for coming up for the idea. As for him wanting the source? If it was a big/difficult plugin I'd think twice, but this is easy.
    trusebruse likes this.

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