Question Plugin Permissions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by SemiBolt, May 26, 2015.

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    Hi :) I installed a plugin called RealJobs but when people try to do a job it says they don't have permission and I've tried but don't really know how to change it. I'm not sure if I have to change it in the plugin or server. Either way here is the config file for the plugin
    Thanks :D
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    Would you mind linking which RealJobs plugin you got? Then we will be able to better assist you.

    You need a plugin that can handle permissions if you don't already. (Either GroupManager or PermissionsEx is a good decision, and they are both very popular)
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    Ok, I went to the Bukkit page for this plugin instead since it was easier to show you where the permissions were, but if you go to this page, it will show the command, the permission node for it, and what it's for:

    To give a permission to the default group, it'd something like this: /mangaddp default realjobs.user
    Which would give default group access to all the commands designed for users.

    If you need any more help, tag me (@oceantheskatr) so that I get a notification :)
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