Hello all, I have many good plugin ideas. This one is very simple, If a player is being annoying just a simple /mute [player] [time] [reason] plugin to handle them. Alot of times if there is something going on and someone needs to be muted admins will often forget why they were muted and if they were, I have been muted on servers and admins have forgotten to unmute me which is a pain. Also if you can block /me when someone is muted so they have no other way to spam.
I could give this a try might aswell got nothing better to do and gives me some practice into the API a bit more for chatevents
Cool!, Let me know I could def do graphics for your release and maybe you can include my name in the post. I also am adding another plugin idea i will link u here to the other plugin idea i have bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Heh Heh. Hey sick, xD. I could make this plugin for ya. Just give me a few days. lol. PM me back! Edit: (sicksurfer plays on a server as a mod that I play in)
Meh idm if you take over would you like my code which I have started on? Its quite a bit and quite messing but if you want take it
Sure. If you want I can set it up on Github and we can work on it together. Sick, I'll include you too. Edit: And, sorry, I didn't realize you were making the plugin. Sorry, thehutch. xD Ill start a private conversation about it and invite you two. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Use essentials, it has this feature and exact same commands or this: http://plugins.bukkit.org/#ti=mute&ta=all&au=&subm=false&pno=0