Plugin failure

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Ryan_2_auto, Jul 5, 2013.

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    Hi, I created a new server and wanted to add some plugins, but i cant change the permissions allowing who has the power to do certain things (I am the only one who can tp to spawn :p).
    I also have a protected area and for some reason other people can place blocks there and destroy the blocks they have placed, but not the ones I have. plz help!

    I feel like a total [sheep] for not knowing this stuff. But plz help, I have been trying for days and my mind fells like it is going to[tnt] XD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
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    wow ur so cool u use emoticons!!!!

    On the question, list plugins.
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    But more on topic, you need a special plugin called a permissions plugin.
    Popular ones are PermissionsEx and bPermissions.
    They are a bit complex, tell me if you need help!
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    He could have a permissions plugin, therefore this help isn't so helpful. Thus why I requested the plugin list.
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    Umm, which is why I asked if he needed help with permissions, he could just tell me
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    Ya, I've tried the permissions one but I had no clue how to operate it.

    I have RightOnSpawn (need to change so everyone can tp to spawn)
    World Guide and World edit (Othere peeps can put blocks there)
    Jade xTrollxDudex
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    I'd recommend getting PermissionsEx or GroupManager. If you decide to get one of them, let us know and we'll be willing to help.
    Ryan_2_auto likes this.
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    THanks Jade
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    The basic idea Ryan_2_auto is each command in a plugin has a "permission node". A permissions plugin allows you to group together certain permission nodes so certain players belonging in that group has certain permission nodes. These nodes allow each group certain commands and allowed actions. If you don't want the group to have the node, the group can't do what the node entitles him to.
    I would recommend bpermissions by codename_b. It is up to date and follows super perms. Otherwise get PermissionsBukkit.
    Jade PermissionsEx is fundamentally not well laid out, often breaks plugins and Bukkit. TnT or on of the other admins and moderators said so once himself. It is totally based on the person if you want to PermissionsEx or not. GroupManager, well. I read somewhere it isn't as updated and more complex than bPermissions soo...
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