Plugin Request Pls help me and Update this Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Kakadupro, May 22, 2015.

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    Hello i habe a little Problem now... i used the Plugin Crates Reloaded for a long time and now my Server is updated to 1.8.3, but Crates Reloaded only supports 1.8 so pls can somebody Update this plugin or change it so that it works! Thank you very much of somebody can do this!!!

    Here is the link -->
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives.
    @Kakadupro Could you prove that it isn't working?
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    On the side was the comment that it doesnt work for 1.8.3
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Kakadupro Did you look at the links in the comments etc?
    There is a different page.
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    No Chats only the project side there IS No other higher version
    I really need help that somebody update this
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Kakadupro An outdated number does not mean an outdated plugin.
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    Pls listen to me i allready have tested it on three versions and it doesnt work anymore in 1.8.3 and my server must by on this version. The other versions worked and i tested them all but the Server doesnt load the plugin when the Plugin is for 1.8 and my server is for 1.8.3
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I am writing from my handy and the plugin developer dinosaws will tell u the same i only need someone to change the plugin there IS No error in the console its only a plugin for an other version!!!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Kakadupro API, No update needed!
    Or there is a server log, or there isn't something wrong.
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    Tomorrow i will send you the log and all the stuff u need but pls look at this Screenshot_2015-05-22-20-19-00.png
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Kakadupro No action will be taken without logs.
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    I think that you dont wanna understand me i only want somebody to cange the version of the plugin so that it is compatible i only want this plugin for 1.8.3 but there is No version released
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Kakadupro And I don't think that you want to understand that you still gave no prove at all that it is broken in the first place.
    Bukkit is an API, it does not always need an update.
    Understand that we need prove.
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    K tomorrow i'll send you the log mayby when i have some freetime /
    thx you
  16. Offline


    Cant you just get the owner of the plugin to update it? To have someone update the plugin they need the script, without it they have to "remake" it. And the owner of a plugin wont always allow others to mess with his creation..
    Also i checked 3 seconds on the comments file and dinosawr is saying " go to spigot for support" this is bukkit, not spigot.
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