Plugin Help PlotMe Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by EpiclyEpic, Nov 15, 2014.

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    Whenever rank A's for prison try to do /p h {name}, it brings them to their own plot instead of the players plot they want to go to. I haven't touched the plotme permissions at all. Any help? Thanks
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    EpiclyEpic The Commands page of PlotMe does not list a playername argument for the '/plotme home' command, only a id you can add to it for when you have multiple plots.

    Maybe you could give players access to the '/plotme tp <id>' command, with that they can teleport to any plot they want, they need to know the id of the plot though (that is a number, can be found on the signs next to the plots). If you give them access to '/plotme list <player>' they would also be able to get the id's of all plots that belong to a player. Then they at least don't have to remember the id's, but only the playername. For these two commands you need to give them these permissions: '' and 'plotme.admin.list' (also see the Permissions page).
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    nlthijs48 People who are OP can do /p h {name} though.
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    EpiclyEpic Ah okey, I checked the pages of PlotMe again and found the permission for that: 'plotme.admin.home.other', when players have that they should be able to use the mentioned command.
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