Please help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by CausticCraft, Jun 3, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Hello, I recently switched from Groupmanager to PermissionsEx, And when i try to move people from one group to another with (/pex user {name} group set {group} {world}) it doesnt work half the time. Sometimes it will move them and then sometimes i have to retype the command 500x to get it to work and some times it doesnt work at all. I have done i little searching and it seems that others have had this problem aswell. But i have not seen any ways around this? Like a new update, patch, or anything.

    Game Version = 1.8.3
    Jar = Spigot
    PermissionsEx Version = PermissionsEx V1.23.2

    I have posted this on other sites but no one replies :(
  2. Offline


    Does it show any errors on your server console when you try to use this command and it doesn't work?
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