Solved Players wont take drowning dmg

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hunajameloni, Jan 2, 2014.

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    In my server, players can't take drowning DMG :eek:
    I tried everything.
    I checked Essential's Config.
    Prevent drowning damage was false.
    Prevent fall damage was false too and fall damage worked fine.

    I checked worldguard's config:
        disable-fall-damage: false
        disable-lava-damage: false
        disable-fire-damage: false
        disable-lightning-damage: false
        disable-drowning-damage: false
        disable-suffocation-damage: false
        disable-contact-damage: false
        teleport-on-suffocation: false
        disable-void-damage: false
        teleport-on-void-falling: false
        disable-explosion-damage: false
        disable-mob-damage: false
        disable-death-messages: false
    Plugins I have and can possibly stop drowning dmg:
    Essentials, WorldGuard, Factions ( Can factions block drowning? ), mcore.
    I also have ProtocolLib.

    Can someone pls tell me what can possibly be wrong?
    When you run out of the bubbles, they will regen back to max and you start to loose them again.
    And back to max etc...

    Anyone? This is very annoying problem.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  2. Offline


    Odd, what are all your plugins which you have installed? Are you in god mode? Have you tried with different permissions / de-oped yourself / etc ?
  3. Offline


    Yep, I wasnt on god mode, I set my group to member and tried and de-opped myself.
    It might be because of one private plugin I have. I can try to ask from the developer.

    Found the thing thats causing it.
    Quilty is WorldGuard. I'll try something to keep it. Otherwise I need to remove it.

    I reinstalled WorldGuard, didnt touch config and still had problem, after removing worldguard, everything worked fine. Obviously they have error in the code. I will report about this to authors, so they can fix this.
    Solved! By myself :p
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