Players can place signs, but cant break them, any help?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by BooGaLoo90, Jun 15, 2014.

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    [15:01:43 INFO]: Plugins (31): WorldBorder, GroupManager, SpawnReminder, Minequery, WorldEdit, RewardVoting, CommandRank, Vault, CombatTag, Light, WorldGuard, PvPTimer, ObsidianDestroyer, SimpleRamChecker, EnchLimiter, NoPickup, JoinSound, WhatIsIt, Votifier, mcMMO, Stuck_My_Life, HotPotato, Essentials, floAuction, ParkourPalace, GenerousMobs, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, Factions
    Here are my plugins. I run a faction server and players cannot break any signs anywhere, even in their own faction base. they can place them only. any ideas?
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    Do you get any message trying to break them?
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    I Might Be Saying Sth Stupid Right Now But Are They Holding Redstone Or Inc Sac While Trying To Break Them Cuz If Yes It Won't Work :p
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    Go in your GroupManager folder and open the permissiob file.
    Then go to the essentials section and give the group default
    "- essentials.signs.break"
    And in your permissions file in the main folder of minecraft add this too.

    (my english is very bad)
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