Plugin Help Playernames in commands?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by TheDiamond06, Dec 26, 2014.

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    So I am trying to make it so the player dispatches a command with his/her name in it.
    This is what I tried to do:
                        Bukkit.dispatchCommand(p, "TokenEnchant add " + p.getName() + "1");
                        Bukkit.dispatchCommand(p, "TokenEnchant withdraw 1");
    When I do this, In-game it says:
    [TE] Error: /tokenenchant add <name> <amount>
    [TE] You do not have enough tokens.
  2. Offline


    You forgot a space before the amount.
    Your 1 is directly attached to your Username.
    So you are doing
    /tokenenchant add mrCookieSlime1
    instead of
    /tokenenchant add mrCookieSlime 1
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