Player Slots

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Maihym, Jul 31, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I was wondering how many players could I have. My server has 10GB of RAM and has 31 plugins provided below. plugins.png
    The server is running off a supposedly unlimited bandwidth plan.
  2. Offline


    What's the cpu and Internet connection?
  3. Offline


    Apprently with my host the internet connection or bandwidth or whatever is unlimited. And cpu I don't know
  4. Offline


    CPU is found by going into the start menu and right clicking on computer and click properties. If you don'y have windows then this won't work. But if you have a decent CPU/Internet (go here: that should be a good 60 players approx
  5. Offline


    No dude I have a host
  6. Offline


    Try messaging your hosting provider then to figure out a recommended number of slots. 10 gb is a lot of ram compared to what most hosts offer so assuming they have good internet speeds you should be able to host a lot.
  7. Offline


    I use Host Horde with the unlimited plan so :/
  8. Offline


    Maihym - This it?


    Anyway, try 30-50 at first and if you're fine you can scale it up. Be aware that minecraft is single-threaded so at some point you're going to want to expand to another server instance. In that case use something to tie them together like bungeecord or lilypad. At that point you really should be using a VPS or dedicated server...

    Test them out. See how unlimited they'll really let you be.
  9. Offline


    Look at the Acceptable Use Policy
  10. Offline


    I was joking. Just try 30-50 first. I've been able to get around 40 players on 2 GB with a tiny bit of lag with a similar setup. That doesn't mean you can get 200 because you have 10 GB. I'd probably expect you to top out near 100-120, if you can get that many players.
  11. Offline


    So why are you asking? They say the recommended is 100 slots, but if you get close to that then just ask them to upgrade you.
    obscurehero likes this.
  12. Offline


    But I have 10Gb of RAM not 6GB
  13. Offline


    Bukkit does use multiple threads for world loading, and plugins can create separate threads for their tasks. As you can see, my server often goes over 100% of a CPU.

    More RAM does not mean less lag. Most server hosts won't even let you swap to the disk anyway, so unless you max out the memory you've allocated to Java (which would cause a crash), you won't have a bottleneck in the memory department. What does matter however is I/O speed of your disk and memory and your CPU clock speed. You will never use 5 GB of memory for 50 players, never mind 10. My server runs with 40 plugins and 20 players online using only about 1.5 GB of memory. My suggestion is to contact HostHorde and ask about their CPU and disk setup and what they're capping your internet speeds at.
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