Player shoot arrow event?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JjPwN1, Oct 9, 2012.

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    I am trying to use ProjectileHitEvent to block shooting arrows at your teammate. But, with the ProjectileHitEvent I can't get the shooter, only the entity it's hitting, so I can't see if the shooter is on the same team as the one getting hit. So, my question is, how do you do this?
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    However, ProjectileHitEvent is only fired when the projectile hits a block, not an entity.
    I believe you need to listen to EntityDamageByEntityEvent, and if the damage-cause is a projectile, you can call ((Projectile)EntityDamageByEntityEvent.getDamager()).getShooter()
    V10lator likes this.
  3. What Courier told. But make sure that getShooter() isn't null (arrow shooted from dispenser or plugin) and a instance of Player (arrow shooted from skeleton or plugin).
    Courier likes this.
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