Planning to learn java. Any tips?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Heliocloud, Aug 23, 2013.

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    Hello java coders or no java coders, well i don't know. I'll get to the point. Well i'm planning to learn java. Any tips? I'll give you some more info about me. I'm a 13 year old minecraft player and going to make a giant server network. I already bought the network but I want to add more love to my servers. I want to learn java.

    I also want a good computer like a mac. Is the mac really good for eclipse? It looks so much better and cleaner with the macbook pro.
    I need some tips. I really don't know where to start. I need video's, tutorials, books etc. I really need help.
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    JavaForDummies (book)
    Looking at other peoples work
    Some other great books
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    Learn java, preferably by books, like the one XKnuckes posted, Java for Dummies 5th Edition by Barry Burd was the one I learned java from. Then, head over to the javadocs and the plugin tutorial.
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    -Read books made to teach Java.
    -Watch videos that teach you how to code with Bukkit.
    -OSX is a good os to develop Java applications, but it doesn't have any advantage over a Windows computer. If you are getting a new laptop, a 2013 Macbook Air would be great to get. If you want a desktop, make one from scratch.
    -If your school gives computer science classes, take those classes.
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